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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/26 11:55  北京领航考研

  服务行业 service trade

  家用电器 household electrical appliances

  物美价廉 with low price and high quality

  售后服务 after-sale service

  旺季 during peak selling seasons

  销售渠道 distribution channel

  商标冒用 trade-mark infringement

  稳定物价 stabilize the commodity prices

  加强品牌效应 strengthen the brand effect

  提高购买力 raise the purchasing power

  保持市场的良好的秩序 keep to market in good order

  适销对路 be good for sale

  脱销 out of stock

  刺激购买欲 stimulate the desire to buy

  促销 promote sales

  超前消费 premature consumption

  有效期 term of validity

  零售价 retail price

  批发价 whole price

  紧俏商品 commodities in short supply

  假冒伪劣 forged and fake commodities

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