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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/15 14:35  北京新航道学校


  To Whom It May Concern,

  I am writing this letter to donate some money to Project Hope and I would appreciate it if you could help me find a proper candidate.

  I would like to help a little girl who is active and intelligent finish her middle school study. I know how hard and desperate it would be to an enthusiastic learner when she is in great need of money. I will take out 100 yuan from my salary each month to enable the little girl to realize her dream.

  We are one family in this global village. I hope all of us can help each other and make this world a better place to live in.

  I am looking forward to your early reply.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

  (129 words)


  As can be seen from the two pictures, two football fans show their adoration for a football star: one having the name Beckham on his face, the other asking the barber to cut his hair in Beckham’s style. Obviously, the famous football player’s charming look and dazzling success make his fans crazy about him.

  It is not uncommon that nowadays in China a lot of youngsters show their love and admiration for a certain pop star. They will try their best to collect their photos, follow them everywhere and persuade other people to support them, just like what they did during the TV contest for Super Girls in the year 2005. In spite of the fact that they have to spend enormous time and energy, let alone large sum of money, they remain firm and persistent in their pursuit. To them, life is interesting and the world is beautiful if their stars keep shinning.

  As for me, I would not be enthusiastic on the surface when I show my feelings for my star. I will look up to him as a role model, from whom I can draw inspiration to strive for my own success. I will not only cheer for him when he makes great achievements, but also pray for him when he undergoes sufferings and setbacks, for I understand that while success is to be valued, the way to success is to be honored.

  (236 words)

 考研数学难度调查: 很难 一般 容易 较难

 考研英语难度调查: 很难 较难 一般 简单

 考研政治难度调查: 很难 较难 一般 简单

    2006年考研真题及答案(持续更新中):政治 英语 MBA综合、英语真题


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