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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/25 17:05  东方飞龙

  家庭 (Family)

  1Each day we go out of our way to do something small and special for each one in our family.

  2Our life is a continuing stream of ordinary words and deeds said and
done each day for others.

  3The warmth of our homes can be kept by the twigs and branches we each throw to the fire of mutual love.

  4By a caring attention to details we melt down the cold difference that can stand as a barrier between family members.

  5We have to ensure by daily good deeds that we accumulate goodwill and keep our balance always positive.

  6They may live next door to one another or in the same house, but not feel close emotionally.

  7We feel close when we feel understood, when we feel loved and when we simply enjoy being together.

  8Most people see the biological family as the model on which to pattern stepfamilies, but the same rules simply do not apply. The nuclear family — with a biological mother, father and child or children — is no longer the norm.

  9Each family group brings to the stepfamily its own unique ways of communicating, unfamiliar and unexpected to the other.

  10For many, the subject of stepfamilies is taboo, thus inhibiting a free exchange of information and experiences to support stepfamilies.

  11Recent statistics show that one out of two marriages end in divorce and that twothirds of the divorced and the widowed remarry.

  交谊 (Friendship)

  1If you decide to make a date, never give personal details such as your address or surname. It is possible for address details to be obtained through your telephone number, so again be very guarded about giving out this information.

  2Take a Friend along, at least at the beginning, to meet your date and ask the friend to meet up with you again at a prearranged time.

  3If you are not with a friend, tell someone where you are going, whom you are meeting with (include the persons name, phone number and address) and when youll be back.

  4Dont tell yourself youre being silly. If you dont feel comfortable, dont give your date personal details about yourself and dont arrange a second date.

  5You can be honest about what youre saying because you will probably never meet your correspondent. Or, you and others on the Web can be dishonest and spin a fantasy, conceal your worst side and elaborate only on your positive characteristics.

  6If you are feeling vulnerable, you have got no one in your life or things arent going well with your relationship, your online mate seems more appealing. He becomes a seductive fantasy—and thats where the problems begin.



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