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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/25 17:01  东方飞龙

  诚信 (Trust)

  1One of the phrases that most of us often heard when we were growing up was, “Honesty is the best policy.”

  2Whether it was our parents, or our teachers, or even our peers, it se
ems that all of us were interested in knowing that they could trust what we said and what we did.

  3On the contrary, if you are dishonest with others, you may gain something for the time being, but others will not be fooled long. Soon, others will have a revenge on you without your awareness.

  工作 (Work)

  1A coworker should be helpful. It is especially important when you start to work for the first time or for a new company.

  2It would be wonderful if a coworker has a sense of humor. Such a person makes the working atmosphere relaxing and you more effective.

  3In teamwork with others we can reach much further than if we went alone by ourselves.

  4Working together for mutual benefit brings about effective results greater than those we obtain individually.

  5Young people are by definition in a period of change, as they move from childhood towards entry into the world of work.



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