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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/25 16:54  东方飞龙



  爱心 (Love)

  1The fewer conditions you place on love, the more perfectly it will suit you, and the more meaningful it will become.

  2Love can make a powerful, positive difference whenever it is present.

  3Love life itself and youll always find ways to give real meaning to every moment.

  4Give, not to make an impression, not to fulfill an obligation or to repay a debt, but for the sheer joy of doing so.

  5Povertystricken areas mainly cover central and western provinces and autonomous regions, such as Qinghai Province, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and other areas, where economic and educational climates are relatively backward due to adverse ecological conditions.

  健康 (Health)

  1An unexpected infectious disease SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) made a sudden attack on many areas of our country at the beginning of 2003.

  2It exerted a great influence on the work and life of the people and even worse, it did great damage to the national economy.

  3Unless the disease was eliminated through a program of early diagnosis and quarantine, our economy would not recover until SARS diffused globally, and travelers became habituated to the chronic, lowlevel risk it presented, a process that could take years.

  4Under the leadership of our Party and Government, the people all over the country, especially those medical workers, “angels in white”, left their own families without hesitation and take no notice of their own safety and devote all their time and energies to the prevention and treatment of SARS, some of whom even died at their posts.

  5Scientists in the medical field work day and night and make great efforts to find out the unknown viruses and people all over the country try all they could to support the fearless fighters working at the front.

  6It should be noted that we should pay more attention to the good hygiene habits: wash hands and ventilate room often and never sneeze at others or spit at will.

  7With one heart and one mind and relying on science, we have firm confidence that it will not be long before we find the cause of the disease and win the final victory in the campaign against SARS.

  8Modern life has become so demanding that nowadays many people are confronted with stress.

  9The best ways to escape stress are listening to music, going on a short trip and spending time with our family members.

  10Besides, whenever we spend time with our family members, we talk to each other heart to heart, and play like a child with the young ones.

  教育 (Education)

  1In general, people who possess a college diploma will earn twice or more income than those who just finish their high school. Therefore, if you want to live a better life than the average, you have to attend college.

  2Since universities are the cradle of many inventions and discoveries in science and technology, people attend a university to widen their horizons in history, society, culture, as well as the latest scientific development.

  3Schools provide balanced atmosphere where each subject is given equal importance and is taught on a regular basis. This leads to overall development of children. This discipline is absent in learning through computer and television at home.

  4Some children find arts and crafts interesting and devote much time to them while others find math and science more interesting and avoid reading social sciences. This erratic and unbalanced learning inhibits overall development.

  5A family may afford a television and a computer, but it does not follow that this family can also afford other advanced studying aids.

  6It is not only impossible but also unnecessary for every family to buy advanced studying aids for their children to study at home.

  7We will like the binding and layout of books, the feeling of touching books, the unique smell of old books which are wonderful to the person who loves reading books.

  8Although a computer is able to include much more information than any kind of book, cyber reading must be under some kind of conditions.



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