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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/25 16:57  东方飞龙

  理想 (Ideal)

  1If you have trouble achieving the big goals, then break them down into smaller, more manageable ones.

  2If you have trouble getting to work on the small goals, remind yourse
lf of the bigger goals and purposes to which they lead.

  3The big goals are what will drive you, motivate you, and compel you to go forward. The smaller goals are what will actually move you steadily there.

  4When you have a big reason to take a small step, you are much more likely to find a way to take that step whatever.

  5Any accomplishment can be broken down into steps so small as to seem trivial. But put them all together, and the results are anything but trivial.

  6“I hope” is very positive, and yet “I will” is even more so.

  7“I might” gets you facing in the right direction, while “I will” takes you all the way there.

  8“Id like to” helps you set your goals, and “I will” makes them happen.

  9The words you use influence the thoughts you think and the actions you take. And the words “I will” are two of the best youll find when it comes to expressing, sealing and maintaining you commitment.

  10Though words alone will not make it happen, the most positive, confident words will indeed make a difference in what does happen.

  心态 (Mood)

  1What if you could decide, at the beginning of each day, exactly how your time would be allocated on that day?

  2How many minutes, or hours, would you allocate for being angry, resentful, envious, frustrated, or spiteful?

  3It would seem foolish to block off any of your precious time for such useless and destructive pursuits.

  4However, every day many people let these things eat away at time that could otherwise be focused in more positive directions.

  5Before you automatically react to something, ask yourself,“This morning when planning my day, would I ever have decided to devote my time to this?”

  6You cannot control what happens to you, but you certainly can control what you do about it.

  7Make each response a positive, productive one and enjoy the immense benefits of time wellspent.

  8Great ideas and great accomplishments flow easily and naturally from a calm and peaceful mind.

  9When you are free to think and act in the direction of your most treasured dreams and highest vision, there is no limit to what you can accomplish.

  爱国 (Patriotism)

  1Many countries have many good plans, such as developing agriculture, industry and improving the quality of peoples life, but if a country does not have enough money to turn these plans into facts, I dont believe it is successful.

  2Rich economy is the original power of a countrys success, while life quality is one aspect of a countrys success.

  3Culture reflects our ancestors wisdom and hard work and tells us about our countrys development.

  4If a country doesnt have its own unique culture, it is just like a tree without roots.

  5We should be relieved because our government has attached great importance to the construction of spiritual civilization.



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