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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/22 12:10  新东方


  1. 熟悉考试说明:每次TOEFL考试的考试说明都是一样的,因此没有必要在考试的时候再花费时间去仔细阅读考试说明。

  2. 迅速跳过考试说明:一看到考试说明的时候就迅速点击Continue跳过以节约时间来

  3. 如果遇到不熟悉的文章时也不用担心:回答问题需要的所有信息都包含在段落中,即使不了解相关背景知识也可以顺利答题。但是,如果了解了相关背景知识就可以缓解听力的压力。具体大家可以看我以前点评中的真题,然后在GOOGLE中去搜索相关的背景知识。

  4. 仔细听文章:每篇文章你只能听一次。考试时不能重听也没有听力文字稿!

  5. 运用视觉信息帮助你理解文章内容:每篇文章开头都有一幅照片,显示对话所处情景(教室、办公室、


  6. 边听边仔细记笔记:注意主要观点和主要支持的信息。不要写下听到的所有内容,也不要写下太多不必要的细节。

  7. 浏览每个问题,判断问题类型:问题类型可以提示你如何着手回答问题。







  8. 选择每一个问题的最佳答案:可以直接确定有把握的正确答案,也可以把不正确的选项依次排除,然后从剩余的选项中选出正确答案。直接法和排除法注意交替使用,排除法尤其适合难题。

  9. 在回答问题前先仔细考虑每个问题:做完题后就不能再次返回到这个问题上来了,对每个问题,你只有一个回答的机会!





  阅读部分有3到5篇文章,每篇文章有12到14道题目。在阅读部分中,阅读文章出现在电脑屏幕的右边(这和GRE机考形式恰好相反,因为在GRE机考阅读部分,阅读文章出现在电脑屏幕的左边),而相应的题目出现在电脑屏幕的左边。因为文章很长,大概有675到725个单词,所以需要借助于滚动条的托动才能看到全文。在阅读部分,考生可以通过点击Next button向前浏览所有的问题,也可以通过点击Back button回视前面的问题,并返回到文章的最开头。托福阅读部分还拥有一个review功能的按键,通过点击Review button考生将会在Review Screen看到所有的问题,和看到这些问题的状态---answered, not answered, not yet seen。此外,新托福阅读部分一个非常glossary的特点是:A word in blue in a passage indicates that a definition is available for the word. Clicking on the word brings up this definition。最后,新托福的阅读部分还有一个Help button,考生点击这个按键之后,将会得到a list of topics for which helpful explanations are available。


  Reading Text Time Allowed Length of Passage Number of Questions

  Passage 1 20 minutes 600-750 12-14

  Passage 2 20 minutes 600-750 12-14

  Passage 3 20 minutes 600-750 12-14

  Passage 4 & 5 20 minutes 600-750 12-14 each

  There may be five reading passages in some versions of the test.


  A. Click on One Answer: For this multiple-choice type of question, you will choose the best of four possible answers;

  B. Add a Sentence: For this type of question, you will click on a square to add a sentence to the passage. 这种插入句子题的文章中有4个“-”,然后题目给考生一句话,问考生这句话应该插在文章中哪一个所标“-”的地方。一般,题目的提问方式是这样的:Look at the four squares [-] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage;

  C. Drag Answer Choices: For this type of question, you will use the mouse to drag text to complete a summary or table.一般,题目的提问方式是这样的:An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentenced do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points。

  但是,根据测试的内容来看,新托福的阅读部分共有13种不同题型,而这13种不同题型可以被分为三大类(Language Use, Basic Comprehension, Reading to learn),其详细内容见下表:

  Language Use: These questions generally fall at the beginning of set for a passage. Language-use questions constitute about half of the total Reading section questions.

  Inferring word meaning from context 7 to 10 per test

  Locating a referent 3 per test

  Defining a key term 1 to 2 per test

  Understanding rhetorical function 3 to 4 per test

  Paraphrasing 2 to 3 per test

  Understanding coherence 3 per test

  Basic Comprehension: These questions constitute roughly a third of the total Reading section questions.

  Understanding details 8 to 10 per test

  Drawing an inference 3 to 4 per test

  Identifying the main idea 1 per test

  Reading to learn: These questions generally fall at the end of the set for a passage. There are about 5 total reading-to-learn questions in the Reading section.

  Inferring the author’s opinion or attitude 1 per test

  Understanding details as they relate to the main idea (multiple choice) 1 per test

  Understanding details as they relate to the main idea (schematic table) 1 per test

  Summarizing the most important points 2 per test

  在新托福的官方指南中,关于题型的介绍有这样一段介绍是值得我们关注的:All the language use questions refer to a word, sentence, or paragraph in the reading passage. Whenever a question refers to a particular word or sentence in the passage, the word or sentence is highlighted. You don not need to search for it. Detail questions on TOEFL iBT identify the particular paragraph in which the answer can be found, so you do not need to scan the passage in order to find the location of an answer to a detail question.也就是说以后的阅读不再考察问题定位的能力,这大大降低了题目的难度。

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