
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月20日 13:51   昂立英语


  1.I usually watch TV for an hour in the evening.

  2.Do you usually get up so late?

  3.I graduated from college in 1988.

  4.Animals need a lot of exercise to keep fit; this is also true of human beings.

  5.It is not uncommon for me to work very late into night.

  6.I prefer to have our dinner in the courtyard.

  7.I feel a need for a new lap top. The old one doesn’t work well and runs too slowly.

  8.Once children grow up, they feel a need for independence.

  9.When I graduated from college, I got a job in Shanghai, and had to live apart from home.

  10.I’ve got a job in Shanghai, so I’ll have to move away from home.

  11.My wife and I are very much alike—we enjoy watching soap operas.

  12.You look as if you were only 30 years old.

  13.I always keep myself busy so that I can forget all about those unpleasant things.

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