
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月21日 09:32   新浪教育


  1. What kinds of small business are most popular in China?

  One of the popular small businesses here in China is to set up an online business. You can sell anything from clothes to antiques to used furniture. The investment cost is much lower and you could work anytime and anywhere if you have the internet connection. The process could also be fully automated as the technology is there.

  2. Why do some people open their own business?

  The benefits are pretty obvious, such as 'being you own boss' and not having to answer to someone for everything you do. Your time is you own, though you will probably find having your own business takes far more of your time than if you were working a 'job'.

  3. What challenges and difficulties do people face when they try to have a successful small business?

  There is the initial startup cost, but the biggest challenge is getting the public to believe in you and the quality of your product or service. Another challenge is proper use of your time. You can be very successful spending your time doing the right things, but most of us are not successful because we don't know which things to focus on and in what order.

  4. What do you think is the most important factor when choosing a job or career?

  It depends on the individual circumstances. Interest is definitely important, however as you get older you will really see money plays a large factor. For example, if you have a family to support, pay becomes more important than the other factors. But for university graduates, the opportunity to learn and grow weighs more than things like salary or hours.

  5. Do you think it is good to change your job frequently?

  I don't’ think it’s a good idea to make a general statement of saying it’s good or it’s bad. As an employer, I think that a person who changes jobs frequently is unstable and not good for the team. I think a person who stays at the same job forever is fearful or unmotivated. I like to see people who change to find a better fit or for career advancement.


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