
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年02月29日 09:27   无忧雅思网

  The map and the four charts indicated the land use in the USA from four different regions: central, south, southeast, and southwest. Please write a report for a university lecture.

  The map and the four pie charts indicated current situation of land use in four different regions in the United States, which are respectively central, south, southeast and southwest.

  Despite the fact that crop is dominant in land use in all four regions, the distribution for four regions are somehow different.

  Land use in southeast and southwest are very much the same in that crop dominates for over a half in the region, and other accounts for the least part, with the rest of the pie equally distributed between animal and forest.

  In the south region, crop takes up about half of the land, followed by animal, forest and other in a decreasing order. And for central, crop, though taking the lead, occupies only about 40 percent, leaving the rest part shared equally by animal, forest and other.

  In general, with crop far at the top on the list of percentage of land use in the U.S., animal, forest and other share the rest of the land according to different situations in different regions.

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