2008年01月14日 15:59 城市快报
南开中学 段胜利 人们常讲“不懂语法说不好英语,而不识词汇就根本说不了英语”,由此可见词汇的重要性了。对高考而言,英语试卷是“词汇制胜”,这不仅是因为单选、完形等试题都涉及词汇的考查,况且,阅读、写作等又何尝离得开词汇认知、猜词能力和词汇运用呢?词汇是英语备考的重中之重,而词汇又“记无常法,学无定式”,只要能准确、高效地扩大词汇,十八班武艺,样样都可尝试。 考试说明所附高考词汇,每年都在增加,今年又有140多个词汇列入考纲词汇表。词汇的梳理、学习和练习,要常抓不懈,细水长流,这样才能顺利闯过词汇难关。 英语里,动词是组织语言的核心,在所有词类中是最重要的一类。动词和动词词组非常活跃,其词义在不同的语境里富于变化,有时让人有“抓不着,摸不透”的感觉。 例如,请你先做一做下面的11个选择题 1. Kathy______ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls. A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up 2. Don't forget to ____ the ice cream on the way home. A. hold up B. come up C. turn up D. pick up 3. In the middle of the night, we ______signals for help from another ship. A. picked out B. picked up C. picked on D. picked at 4.You've dropped your pencil.______. A. Pick up it B. Pick it up C. Take up it D. Bring it up 5. Trains stop here in order to _____ passengers only. A. get off B. pick up C. pull up D. pull in 6.——I heard Back Street Boys would sing at the New Century Theater. ——Where did you ________? A. pick that up B. put that up C. make that up D. take that up 7. Without proper lessons, you could ____ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano. A. give up B. catch up C. keep up D. pick up 8. You’ll soon after you spend several days on the seaside . A.hold up YC B.bring up C.pick up D.take up 9. John _____ knowledge of radio just by staying around the radio station. A. caught on B. worked up C. took up D. picked up 10. I might get my brother to come and ___. A. carry me on B. hold me on C. pick me up D. take me up 11.——How are you getting on with your business? ——I’m glad to say it is_____. A. turning up B. taking up C. breaking up D. picking up 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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