新浪教育讯 近日,北京市第八十中学国际部公布最新招生简章,同时,北京市第八十中学国际部也将参加5月6日在北京饭店国际会展中心由新浪教育、大树教育、新媒体“国际学校家长圈”联合主办的TIE2017国际学校择校巡展。对该项目感兴趣的家长欢迎前来咨询。以下为招生简章详细内容:
北京市第八十中学创建于1956年,为北京市重点中学、北京市高中示范校和北京市对外开放单位; 2003年成为北京首批招收境外外国留学生资质校,2010年成为首批国家高中特色建设项目实验校和北京市高中特色建设项目(科学创新实验班)实验校;2011年时任中共中央总书记、国家主席胡锦涛到学校亲切看望师生员工,对学校坚持正确办学方向,培养出一批又一批优秀毕业生所取得成绩给予了充分肯定;2013年获得北京大学校长实名制推荐学校的资格。
Beijing No。 80 High School was founded in 1956, designated as a Key High School, Model Senior High School and an Official for Foreign Exposure of Beijing; In 2003, Beijing No.80 High School became one of the first schools that have the qualifications to enroll foreign students abroad, the first National Experimental High School Program and a Beijing Experimental High School in 2010; In 2011, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, President Hu Jintao arrived to cordially visit staff and students, to recognize the school’s efforts in persistent proper school operations, fostering outstanding graduates with upstanding morals; In 2013, Beijing No.80 High School got the qualification of real-name recommendation of the president of Peking University。

Based on the spirit of “Casting Chinese Soul, Fostering International Talents”, the international education system with the characteristics of No.80 High School has been formed through the fusion of Chinese and foreign high-quality education。 At present, there are more than 400 students from over 30 countries and districts in the international department and a large number of outstanding talents have been admitted to excellent Chinese and foreign universities。 In the entrance examination of foreign students, all students are admitted to famous Chinese and foreign universities, among them, the acceptance rate of Peking University and Tsinghua University is more than 60%; For the overseas application, all the students in the international courses have been admitted to famous universities in America,Britain, Canada, Australia and other countries。
初中部(Middle School):
地 址(Address):北京市朝阳区白家庄西里2号 北京市八十中学(白家庄校区)
电 话(Tel): 86-10-59039059, 86-18810244803
传 真(Fax): 86-10-59039174
高中部(High School):
地址(Address):北京市朝阳区望京北路甲16号 北京市八十中学(望京校区)
电话(Tel): 86-10-58047048,86-10-58047330,86-18310083007
传真(Fax): 86-10-64783858
学校网站(School Website): www.bj80.com
国际部邮箱(Email): liuxuesheng@bj80.com
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