
1999年Passage l(2)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月18日 19:19   新浪考试

  51. What were things like in 1980s when accidents happened?

  [A] Customers might be relieved of their disasters through lawsuits.

  [B] Injured customers could expect protection from the legal system.

  [C] Companies would avoid being sued by providing new warnings.

  [D] Juries tended to find fault with the compensations companies promised.

  [答案] B


  本题的对应信息在文章的第一段最后一句话“Or so the thinking has gone since the early 1980s, when juries began holding more companies liable for their customers’ misfortunes”(大约自80年代初以来这种想法开始日渐流行,因为从那时起陪审团开始认为更多的公司应对其顾客所遭受的不幸负责),因此B选项符合题意。C和D选项与该句的意思不符。至于A选项,该段第四句提到“Luckily, if the doormat or stove failed to warn of coming disaster, a successful lawsuit might compensate you for your troubles”(但是假如门垫或炉灶上没有警示语告诉你可能发生的危害,你或许可以就自己所受的伤害通过法律诉讼,成功地获得赔偿),但获得赔偿并不意味着A选项的relieved of their disasters(免除了他们的灾难),因为无论如何赔偿都是事后的,灾难已经发生了、无需通过赔偿避免。



  [A] 消费者可能通过诉讼从而免受灾难。

  [B] 受伤的顾客可望获得法律制度的保护。

  [C] 公司通过提供新的警示语以避免遭起诉。

  [D] 陪审团更会从公司承诺的赔偿中挑毛病。

  53. The case of Schutt helmet demonstrated that__

  [A] some injury claims were no longer supported by law

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