

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月20日 01:46   新浪考试

  36. By "a well-oiled cog in the machinery" the author intends to render the idea that man is

  [A] a necessary part of the society though each individual’s function is negligible

  [B] working in complete harmony with the rest of the society

  [C] an unimportant part in comparison with the rest of the society, though functioning smoothly

  [D] a humble component of the society, especially when working smoothly

  37. The real cause of the anxiety of the workers and employees is that

  [A] they are likely to lose their jobs

  [B] they have no genuine satisfaction or interest in life

  [C] they are faced with the fundamental realities of human existence

  [D] they are deprtved of their individuality and independence

  38. From the passage we can infer that real happiness of life belongs to those

  [A] who are at the bottom of the society

  [B] who are higher up in their social status

  [C] who prove better than their fellow-competitors

  [D] who could keep far away from this competitive world

  39. To solve the present social problems the author suggests that we should

  [A] resort to the production mode of our ancestors

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