

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月21日 18:01   清华在线

  1. abnormal ab‧norm‧al a.反常的,异常的:

  norm 常规、标准 n. normal 正常的 ab=away from abnormal

  very different from usual in a way that seems strange, worrying, wrong, or dangerous [ normal]:

  abnormal behaviour

  an abnormal level of cholesterol (cho‧les‧te‧rol [uncountable])

  A chemical substance found in your blood. Too much cholesterol in your body may cause heart disease


  Abnormally adverb:

  an abnormally high pulse rate

  This is an abnormal phenomenon.

  2 aboard

  ad /prep.在船(飞机、车)上,上船(飞机、车):

  blackboard board 甲板,板; a: on/at

  It's time to go aboard.

  3, able adj. 能,能够,能干

  ability[a'biliti] n.同:capability

  ①能力,本领:the ability to speak a foreign language说一种外语的能力

  ②才能,才智:have both ability and moral integrity德才兼备

  to the best of one's ability尽自己最大的努力

  4. abound vi. 大量存在,充满,富有,丰富 to exist in very large numbers: be plentiful

  abundant a.(in)丰富的,大量的,充足的:abundant proof充分的证据

  abundance n. 丰富、充裕、大量

  in abundance : we are living in abundance=great plenty


  5. abrupt ab: off ,rupt: break off

  a.①突然的,意外的:The train came to an abrupt stop,making many passengers fell off their seats.

  ②陡峭的③无礼的(举止、言谈等)粗鲁的生硬的:an abrupt manner粗鲁的态度

  1) sudden and unexpected:

  an abrupt change of plan

  come to an abrupt end/halt etc

  The bus came to an abrupt halt.

  2) seeming rude and unfriendly, especially because you do not waste time in friendly conversation:

  Sorry, I didn't mean to be so abrupt.

  —abruptly adverb

  —abruptness noun [uncountable]

  inter rupt : interrupt打断

  inter :between internet, interview, international

  bank rupt: bankrupt 破产

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