

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月21日 18:01   清华在线

  6.transfer 转移,调动, trans: from…to…

  translate 翻译

  transform 改变 transformer

  transition 过渡,transitional period

  transmit 传达 发射

  A telegram will be the quickest way to transmit the message.


  transport 运输

  port 港口:

  export exit 出口 expense 化费,支出, expensive高价的昂贵的 express 表达

  import entrance 入口

  passport 护照

  7.absent 反义词:present

  a.①(from)不在场的,缺席的:He was absent from the meeting.

  ②心不在焉的:He was absent in his mind then.

  be absent from缺席

  1)not at work, school, a meeting etc, because you are sick or decide not to go [ present]

  absent from

  students who are regularly absent from school

  2 if someone or something is absent, they are missing or not in the place where they are expected to be

  absent from

  Local women were conspicuously absent (=obviously not there) from the meeting

  8,absence 反义词:presence


  Please look after my house during my absence.

  ②缺乏,缺少:in the absence of these conditions


  ③缺席的时间,外出期:He returned home after an absence of two years.

  9. present 在场的,出席的,目前的,现在的

  Did you see the present government leaders?

  Did you see the government leader present?

  名词n. 礼物

  动词v. 赠给present sth to sb.

  Present sb with sth

  I presented him with a dictionary.

  I presented a dictionary to him

  10. abandon to withdraw one’support or help from, especially in spite of duty

  vt.①抛弃,遗弃: He abandoned his dog,though it is loyal to him.

  ②放弃,停止做(某事):In his early days,he abandoned medicine for literature.③离弃:The order was given to abandon the ship.

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