

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月13日 11:20   北京环球时代学校

  III. Gap-filling(30%)

  Fill in the following blanks with the CORRECT WORDS or CORRECT FORMS of the words given according to the MEANINGS of the sentences. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

  1.fancy, fantasy, reverie, dream

  No one moved in the bushes; it was only your imagination. Was it fact or ______?

  2.continue, endure, survive, persist, last

  His _______ efforts to better himself from his first job as an office-boy to his eventual position as managing director are admired by every one in our company.

  3.inner, interior, internal, inward

  Last year we bought the house, but we did not move in because we haven’t finished decorating the _______ of the house.

  4.accomplishment, achievement, attainment, involvement

  Professor Johnson is a famous pianist who is able to ______ the difficult passages in the sonata with ease and brilliance.

  5.capable, possible, likely, probable

  Xiao Chen has been studying English for two years, but she is still _______ of misspelling longer words.

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