

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月13日 11:20   北京环球时代学校

  IV. Reading Comprehension (60%)

  In this section, there are six reading passages followed by a total of thirty multiple-choice questions. Read the passages carefully and then mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

  Text A

  Population groups can be distinguished from one another biologically, but some of the old "racial traits" do not stand up to scientific testing. Perhaps the most notorious of these is skin color. There are too many non-biological factors that may account for the color of a person's skin to make it standard of much use in distinguishing between populations. Other traits, like hair type, physical measurement, the form of the eyes, nose, etc. do have more validity as such standards. But here, too, external factors may modify basic biological tendencies. Scientists need something more precise upon which to base their conclusions. One answer to this need can be found in genetics. Anyone's physical appearance is, after all, partly the result of genetic determination. What we see is called a phenotype, and the genetic constitution that lies behind it is called a genotype. Genetic biologist seek to know the genotypes associated with racial differences, because the genes are the actual location of whatever differences we think we can see in phenotypes.

  1. Phenotype is another word for ______ .

  A. physical appearance

  B. genetic constitution

  C. racial traits

  D. biological tendencies

  2. It may be inferred from the passage that the author _______ .

  A.judges people by their phenotypes

  B.believes skin color is a valid basis for determining race

  C.believes basic biological tendencies don't change

  D.would not judge on the basis of phenotypes

  3. The shape of the eyes, nose, the type of hair, etc_______ .

  A.are not influenced by outside factors

  B.are a precise means of differentiating between races

  C.can be standards in distinguishing between populations

  D.are determined completely by genetics

  4. The passage deals mainly with ________.

  A.the difference between phenotypes and genotypes

  B.the drawbacks of phenotypes u

  C.the advantages of phenotypes

  D.the measurements of phenotypes

  5. This passage would most likely be found in a book on ______ .





  8. The dentist had to _______ the tooth as it was badly decayed.

  a. pull off b. release c. extract d. alleviate

  9. Children and old people do not like having their daily _______upset.

  a. habit b. practice c. routine d. custom

  10. ________when she started complaining.

  a. Not until he arrived b. No sooner had he arrived

  c. Hardly had he arrived d. Scarcely did he arrive

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