

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月25日 10:16   学苑中心


  41. The Department is also deeply _____ in various improvement schemes.

  A. connected B. included C. involved D. implied

  42. Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves _____ know where to look.

  A. virtually B. variously C. unavoidably D. invariably

  43. The boy had a _____ escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus.

  A. close B. short C. narrow D. fine

  44. Do you mind if I _____ with my work while you are getting tea ready.

  A. get through B. turn to C. carry on D. come on

  45. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning _____ traffic jam.

  A. in line with B. in case of C. for the sake of D. at the risk of

  46. The finance minister has not been so _____ since he raised taxes to such a high level.

  A. popular B. well-known C. favorable D. preferable

  47. It is wrong for someone in such a high _____ in the government to behave too badly in public.

  A. situation B. position C. employment D. profession

  48. We all knew from the very _____ that the plan would fail.

  A. outcome B. outset C. income D. output

  49. He looked rather untidy as there were two buttons _____ from his coat.

  A. loosing B. losing C. off D. missing

  50. Lawyers often make higher _____ for their work than they should.

  A. bills B. charges C. prices D. costs

  51. The workmen made so much _____ that Mrs. Walker had to spend three days cleaning up afterwards.

  A. trouble B. damage C. mess D. nuisance

  52. They have held several meetings to _____ next year's production plans.

  A. set down B. make out C. work up D. draw up

  53. How can we get this language point _____ to the students.

  A. down B. round C. across D. into

  54. This book gives a brief _____ of the history of the castle and details of the art collection in the main hall.

  A. outline B. reference C. article D. outlook

  55. Dress warmly, _____ you'll catch cold.

  A. on the contrary B. or rather C. or else D. in no way

  56. Kate's ambition to become a nurse _____ from a desire to help others.

  A. prompted B. promoted C. programmed D. proceeded

  57. The island where these rare birds nest has been declared a _____.

  A. observation B. reservation C. preservation D. conservation

  58. Although John was the eldest in the family, he always let his sister _____ charge of the house.

  A. take B. hold C. make D. get

  59. The child enjoyed _____ up the wooden bricks then knocking them down.

  A. adding B. pushing C. piling D. forming

  60. John was very upset because he was _____ by the police with breaking the law.

  A. accused B. arrested C. sentenced D. charged

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