

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月25日 10:16   学苑中心


  61. It isn't quite _____ that he will be present at the meeting.

  A. sure B. right C. exact D. certain

  62. Many new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.

  A. opportunities B. realities C. necessities D. probabilities

  63. The members of the club wouldn't run a _____ in entrusting(委托) the organization to an unreliable person.

  A. danger B. risk C. hazard D. chance

  64. The meeting was _____ when the chairman fell ill.

  A. put down B. shut out C. cut short D. taken off

  65. John says that his present job does not provide him with enough _____ for his organizing ability.

  A. scope B. space C. capacity D. range

  66. I just managed to _____ a quick breath before I was sucked under the water by the passing boat.

  A. snatch B. scratch C. scrape D. scan

  67. My brother likes eating very much but he isn't very _____ about the food he eats.

  A. special B. peculiar C. particular D. unusual

  68. I don't think the charge for overhauling (大修)the equipment is excessive in _____ to its size.

  A. correspondence B. equation C. proportion D. dimension

  69. Voices were _____ as the argument between the two motorists became more bad-tempered.

  A. swollen B. raised C. developed D. increased

  70. Having lived in the town for quite a few years, Mr. Johnson no longer felt _____ among the local people.

  A. out of order B. out of place C. out of control D. out of the question

  71. He stopped his ears with his hands to _____ the terrible noise.

  A. show off B. cut out C. keep from D. shut out

  72. My house is the only brick one on the street. It _____ and you can't miss it.

  A. stands up B. looks out C. sticks out D. wipes out

  73. After the show, the crowd _____ out of the theater.

  A. poured B. melted C. drew D. dismissed

  74. Although it is not our normal _____ to give credit, this time I think we should consider the matter more closely.

  A. state B. intention C. occasion D. practice

  75. It gave me a strange feeling of excitement to see my name in _____.

  A. news B. print C. publication D. press

  76. The engineers have rejected the employers' proposals to end the strike and the other workers have come out in _____.

  A. opposition B. return C. sympathy D. readiness

  77. Her work is often very hard and she gets very tired. The work is _____.

  A. wonderful B. splendid C. tedious D. magnificent

  78. With prices _____ so much, it's hard for the company to plan a budget.

  A. fluctuating B. waving C. swinging D. vibrating

  79. Some teenagers have a generalized resentment against society, which _____ them the rights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.

  A. deprives B. restricts C. rejects D. denies

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