

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月25日 10:16   学苑中心


  201. What makes the space shuttle _____ is that it takes off like a rocket but lands like an airplane.

  A. exceptional B. strange C. unique D. rare

  202. People cannot but feel _____, for they simply cannot understand how he could have made such a stupid mistake.

  A. puzzled B. delighted C. induced D. inspired

  203. When a space shuttle has accomplished its _____, it can be ready for another trip in about two weeks.

  A. venture B. mission C. commission D. responsibility

  204. He's the kind of man who is fond of _____ compliments to other men's wives.

  A. paying B. saying C. expressing D. showing

  205. Radar enables the pilot of an airliner to take off, fly and land in _____.

  A. danger B. comfort C. continuity D. safety

  206. The map was drawn to the standard _____ of 1/100,000, so there was not much detail.

  A. route B. line C. rate D. scale

  207. Our Party has always devoted great attention to raising the living _____ of the working people.

  A. cost B. situation C. level D. standard

  208. It was _____ by the railway board that the cost of rail fares would be increased by ten percent.

  A. noticed B. stated C. suggested D. noted

  209. The chances of discovering life on Neptune are about a million _____.

  A. at one B. for one C. to one D. against one

  210. Everything he said then was _____ by what happened later.

  A. identified B. signified C. noticed D. verified

  211. The party, which had been greatly _____, was spoiled by the rude behavior of an uninvited guest.

  A. looked forward to B. looked up to C. called forth D. called for

  212. It was clear that the small grocer was _____ people he owed money to.

  A. at the expense of B. at the risk of C. in the way of D. at the mercy of

  213. I _____ her not to walk on the thin ice but she would not listen to me.

  A. warned B. persuaded C. suggested D. noticed

  214. When products made in factories _____, they are thrown away as garbage.

  A. come to an end B. are put to use C. are used up D. wear out

  215. She is making herself ill with _____ over her son's future.

  A. trouble B. annoyance C. disgust D. worry

  216. The microphone enabled them to keep in touch, in other words, it made it _____ for them to contact each other.

  A. likely B. capable C. possible D. probable

  217. They did not find _____ to prepare for the worst conditions they might meet.

  A. worth their while B. it worthwhile C. it worth D. it worthy

  218. In spite of the thunderstorm, the children slept _____ all night.

  A. densely B. soundly C. loudly D. noisily

  219. John _____ knowledge of radio just by staying around the radio station.

  A. caught on B. worked up C. took up D. picked up

  220. I support your decision, but I should also make it clear that I am not going to be _____ to it.

  A. connected B. fastened C. bound D. stuck

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