

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年11月25日 10:16   学苑中心


  261. His test results are not very _____. He does well one week and badly the next.

  A. invariable B. consequent C. continuous D. consistent

  262. The new safety regulations were agreed on after _____ with the work-force.

  A. conference B. participation C. intervention D. consultation

  263. The room was so quiet that she could hear the _____ of her heart.

  A. hitting B. beating C. tapping D. knocking

  264. During World War II Malta managed to _____ most of Italian and German bombers by throwing up an effective anti-aircraft screen.

  A. put out B. shut out C. come across D. get across

  265. I think we should let Maria go camping with her boyfriend. _____, she's a big girl now.

  A. Above all B. After all C. First of all D. For all

  266. Jim's close _____ to his brother made people mistake them for one another.

  A. confusion B. similarity C. resemblance D. imitation

  267. It has been decided that this company has the _____ right to print Mr. Smith's novels.

  A. eventual B. versatile C. extensive D. exclusive

  268. He has recently _____ chess to provide himself with some relaxation.

  A. taken on B. taken up C. held on D. held up

  269. What a terrible experience! _____ , you are safe, that's the main thing.

  A. Somehow B. Anyhow C. Somewhat D. Anywhere

  270. John always tries to _____ people who are useful to him professionally.

  A. develop B. provoke C. correspond D. cultivate

  271. Although he hasn't any formal qualifications, Betas _____ to do well for himself.

  A. managed B. succeeded C. arranged D. convinced

  272. The family is a cooperative enterprise for which it is difficult to _____ rules, because each family needs to work out its own ways to deal with its own problems.

  A. set up B. put down C. keep up D. lay down

  273. After a short holiday, he _____ himself once more to his studies.

  A. applied B. converted C. engaged D. exerted

  274. She felt _____ of having asked such a silly question when the audience couldn't help laughing.

  A. guilty B. crazy C. miserable D. ashamed

  275. The driver can adjust the heating in winter and the air conditioning in summer to suit his own _____.

  A. leisure B. preference C. convenience D. selection

  276. There is not much time left; So I'll tell you about it _____.

  A. in detail B. in brief C. in short D. in all

  277. She got married although her parents had not given her their _____.

  A. allowance B. consent C. permit D. appreciation

  278. The rain was heavy and _____ the land was flooded.

  A. consequently B. constantly C. continuously D. consistently

  279. Magnificent views over the countryside have often _____ people to write poems.

  A. convinced B. inspired C. induced D. attracted

  280. From the cheers and shouts of _____, I gathered that he was winning the race.

  A. stimulus B. urgency C. encouragement D. promotion

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