

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月01日 13:41   北京环球时代学校

  Part ThreeSentence-level Blank Filling (20 points)

  Complete the text by choosing one sentence from the box below for each blank marked 1 to 7. (4 points each)

  A.In the meantime he has stopped objecting to courses for a while.

  B.They want anything but things taught at universities.

  C.To turn academic decisions over to them is ludicrous.

  D.The kids will get what they think they want, which isn't really what they want.

  E.Confronted with student power the faculty member gives in, and it doesn't bother him

  because he gets to be a hero by voting yes for freedom.

  F."The courses ought to be divided into three groups: a third in the major, a third not in the

  major, and the other third the student can do anything he wants with."

  G.Teaching is the art of developing or cultivating another mind, and helping it to increase its powers.

  H.The educational imagination of a product for a student of a university is not very significant.

  Selling out to the Students

  University faculties involve themselves unwittingly in the destruction of the university when they bow to all the pressures of their students and loosen up on requirements. (1)______.The students will organize a vote and abolish the language requirement and abolish the science requirement, and then they'll decide they ought to get two units or five units for learning the sitar. As a faculty member my feeling about all this nonsense is that it's not worth fighting for the innovations the students want because they're utterly trivial.

  (2)______ .What he wants is to avoid some obvious difficulty, like reading something he doesn't like to read, or having a sadistic exam, or having to sit still for three hours a week listening to some bore talk about something the student feels he ought not to be required to listen to in the first place. It's stupid to expect genuine educational insights to come from kids who are the products of this system. (3)______ . But the faculties will do it. They'll do it because they feel guilty about their approach to teaching. They'll do it in ways that won't interfere with what their departments are doing. (4)________.

  A good teacher is somebody who is not interested in his own ideas, he is interested in somebody else's mind, but the young faculty member in a university typically is bursting with his own ideas, and his notion of teaching is to tell those ideas to other people. This has nothing to do with teaching. (5)________ .

  Say that a faculty meeting is scheduled to discuss some utterly meaningless provisions of the curriculum. The students come in with a charming protest against it and a rather neat solution: (6)_____ .This presupposes the continued existence of courses. With student-initiated courses being added all the time, it only strengthens the course system. But the real aim should be to get rid of the course system altogether. A teacher gives it another decade of life by saying to a student, "O.K., you object to the course system?" What do you want a course in?" And he says, "African bead," or what not. "Sold! Go to it." And so the student goes to it and earns three units. (7)______. The fact is, however, that he winds up with contempt for a faculty that permits this sort of thing to go on. The depressing thing is to see, under the guise of revolution, simply the old middle class individualistic free market being pushed to its ultimate absurdity in the name of student consumer demand. To confuse this with revolution in education is tragic.

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