

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月01日 13:41   北京环球时代学校

  Part Five Use of English (20 points)

  Section One (10 points, 1 point each)

  In this section, there are 10 sentences with idiomatic usages. Fill in the gap of each sentence with an appropriate word. The first letter of the word is given as a hint

  1.You should like a lady don’t make an e_____ of yourself.

  2.Why should I quarrel with my b_____ and butter?

  3.Not turn a h_____ is to remain completely calm when something bad or surprising suddenly happens

  4.Last but not l_____ used when mentioning the last person or thing in a list, to emphasize that they are still important.

  5.P_____ the apple means try to win favor by flattering someone.

  6.To have an e___ for is good at hearing and repeating sounds.

  7.Using any method to get what you want, including dishonest or illegal methods means by f____ .

  8.F___and far between means few in number and infrequently met.

  9.The minute Bob put up his fists, Bill showed the w____ feather and backed down.

  10.To keep wages a_____ with the rising living cost.

  Section Two (10 points, 1 point each)

  In this section, you will read 10 sentences with idiomatic expressions underlined. Explain in your own words what these expressions mean.

  1. "But it'll perhaps rain cats and dogs tomorrow, as it did yesterday, and then you can't go,"

  said Godfrey, hardly knowing whether he wished for that obstacle or not.

  2. The project of restoring the palace is on the way to completion.

  3. Now and then you might see a rabbit skipping across the road if you were quiet — which, with Anne and Diana, happened about once in a blue moon.

  4. University lectures, trade unionists and show-business figures rubbed shoulders with the citizens of Dublin in an attempt to drive home a message of peace to the men of violence.

  5. Under the leadership of the able dean, they made rapid progress in their field.

  6. With regard to the matter of financial policy, I would like to add a few remarks to those of the previspeaker.

  7. The two men were in competition with each other for the same woman.

  8. With the aid of a computer, I can finish the paper quickly.

  9. Many young girls wear their hair short, in imitation of the film star.

  10. They estimated the loss in excess of $50,000 on the building alone.

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