

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月31日 16:14   导航培训

  Useful Sentences

  1. As we can see clearly from the chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/statistics/table, great changes have been taking place in the habit of eating in our country.

  As can be seen clearly from the chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table, many people are going abroad to study for a master degree.

  2. As is indicated/shown in the chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table, Internet is changing people’s views on getting information.

  3. According to the chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table given above, we can see that the population in the world is growing fast.

  According to the chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table given above, we can come to the conclusion that a bright future is waiting for us.

  According to the information provided by the chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table, we can see clearly that the environment will become worse and worse if we don’t take immediate actions.

  4. A close look at the chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table reveals that the situation there is improving.

  5. From the information presented in the chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table, it is possible to see that …

  6. It can be seen from the chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table, …

  It has been shown from the chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table, …

  It can be concluded from the chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table, …

  7. The chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table conveys the message that …

  The chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table demonstrates/ indicates/reveals/shows that …

  The chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table tells us that …

  8. There is/was a/an dramatic/large/marked/rapid/sharp/slight/steady decline/decrease/drop/fall/reduction

  increase/rise in the chart/diagram/figure/graph/picture/ statistics/table.

  9. The figure/rate decreases/drops/falls/reduces/increases/rises sharply, from…up to…, there are some important reasons for this.

  10. The reason why the figure/rate decreases/drops/falls/reduces/increases/rises sharply is that …

  11. As is described in the cartoon, the hen commits herself to lay eggs which are round without any angles and corner.

  12. Although the picture is simple, the symbolic meaning is profound.

  13. The purpose of the cartoon is to tell us that knowledge is power.

  14. As a matter of the fact, there are many examples existing in our society, as illustrated in the cartoon.

  15. Through the cartoon, the drawer intends to inform us that the environment is becoming worse and worse.

  16. In the cartoon, a student attempts to pass the exam by employing a ringer. More and more similar events have been heard or reported via media, e.g. newspapers, the Internet and the bulletin boards.

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