

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月31日 16:14   导航培训

  Directions: The Students’ Union of your department is planning an English Speaking Contest. Write an announcement which covers the following information:

  1) the purpose of the contest,

  2) time and place of the contest,

  3) what is required of the candidates,

  4) details of the judges and awards.

  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Department of English at the end of the announcement.

  English-Speaking Contest

  To improve students’ ability to speak English and enrich after-class activities, the Students’ Union of Department of English is organizing a school-wide English-speaking contest to be held on Tuesday next week (14 January) at the Students’ Recreational Center. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Friday this week. Five overseas teachers will be invited to be judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.

  The Students’ Union

  Department of English

  1. To get acquainted with school surroundings

  To learn the history and traditions of the campus

  To benefit future academic study

  To make noises

  To intrude the normal campus order

  To impair campus environment

  To make it difficult for students to concentrate on study

  To expose students to various risks

  2. To be fair and upright

  To enable honest person to succeed in work and life

  To work honestly to attain one’s life goal

  To enhance reputation of a nation or country

  To bring nothing but trouble or failure

  To lose people’s heart

  To disappoint and let down friends and family members

  3. To find (search / hunt) the right career

  To display talent and capability

  To provide one with opportunities and challenges

  To cater to the competitive environment

  To apply theoretical knowledge to practice

  To be of real service to fellowmen and the country

  To confront unprecedented competition

  To be frustrated with a sense of uselessness

  To feel guilty in front of parents and family supporters

  To encounter discrimination on the basis of sex or height or even birthplace

  To despise jobs of lower social status and less income

  To avoid the possibility of working in the rural areas

  4. To develop good health

  To grow stronger than usual

  To keep regular exercise

  To make more contributions to the society

  To be optimistic in life

  To experience living pressure

  To make do with bad diet

  To neglect sports and exercise

  To be indulged in work or recreation

  To be ignorant of the social progress

  5. To help overcome difficulties and sadness

  To provide light and warmth

  Never accept any gift from a stranger, as preached by sages

  To be likely to be hurt, or hurt

  To seek self protection and fence off possible damage

  6 To keep domestic animals

  To seek companion from pet

  To make family life more colorful and rich

  To develop sense of responsibility and caring

  To make people feel closer to the natural world

  To spread disease and pollute living environment

  To waste time and money

  To scare and hurt people, kid and the aged alike

  7 To lead an economical and simple life

  To learn to be frugal

  To practice the quality of thrift

  To save money, private and public

  To spend more wisely

  To limit one’s desire

  To safeguard from extravagance and waste

  To have less natural resources than before

  Extravagance may lead to disgrace or corruption

  To show generosity or hospitality

  To run short of energy sources

  8 To suffer from a strong sense of being outdated and abandoned

  To create the most pressing problem

  Shortage of food and other resources

  To decrease social productivity

  To improve the living condition of the aging population

  To respect and appreciate the aged

  To provide safety and happiness

  9 To improve and beautify the environment

  To plant more trees and extend grassland

  To purify the air and water for the better health

  To make city and countryside a better place to live in, and a more beautiful place to look at

  To exhibit the progress of our country in the field of environmental protection

  To discharge waste into water and air

  To destroy the ecological balance

  To dump pollutants into the living environment

  To endanger some rare species

  10 Enable students to possess better job skills

  Prepare students for future employment

  To better meet the demand of an industrial society

  To enhance the quality of population

  To promote scientific and technological level

  To help the scientific revival of a nation

  To prepare one for a better and more meaningful life rather than a job

  To concentrate limited resources on creative talents, or elite

  Technical education is part of prejudice against the poor and disadvantaged

  To turn into a vicious cycle where the rich are more privileged

  To cut off the social ladder and prevent people from moving upward

  11 Share individual viewpoints and insights

  Enable better and more efficient interpersonal communication

  Enjoy equal right to personal opinion

  Reveal and spread rumors

  Occupy and waste net space

  Follow trend and fashion

  12 Get rich by legal means

  Be entitled to wealth and prosperity

  Stimulate people into hard working

  Reduce the gap

  Help the poor with better opportunities

  Make big money illegally

  Make this society insecure

  13 Pass down cultural habit and treasure

  Absorb and assimilate traditional culture

  Reserve and spread brilliant diverse culture

  Be under the threat of extinction

  Be in great danger

  14 Help distinguish between right and wrong

  Offer proper guidance

  Check and restrict unhealthy content

  Create a clean and safe environment

  Mislead children by indecent content

  Indulge in violent act and aggressive behavior

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