

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年01月12日 11:40   清华在线

  1.subtract v. 减,减去

  tract—drew attract, contract, abstract detract

  2.succeed v. 成功;v. 继承,接替

  ceed –go proceed, exceed, succeed . I succeeded in performing my task.

  例句1.The person ho will succeed the late congressman will be appointed by the governor of the state.

  success n. 成功,成就

  successful a. 成功的

  succession n. 连续,系列

  successive 接连的,连续的

   successor n. 继承人

  A. continuation B. series C. succession D. recognition

  sec, suc, 连续的 consecutive

  3.suffer v. 受苦,受难,受罪; v. 经历,遭受,忍受

   Suffering n. 痛苦,苦恼

  4.sufficient a 足够的,充分的 adequate, enough

   sufficiently ad. 足够地

  5.suppose v. 猜想,料想;v. 假定,以为

  be supposed to

  例句2.The customers are not supposed to smoke here.

  impose, dispose

  6.sum n. 总数,总和; v. 概括,总结

  Summarize v. 概括,概要

  Summary n. 概要,摘要

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