

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年01月12日 11:40   清华在线

  13.Support v./n. 支持,支援,拥护; v./n. 供养,赡养n. 支柱

  back up

  例句7.The live broadcast of the basketball game was _____by a sportswear company.

  A. supported B. seconded C. sustained D> sponsored

  supportivea. 支持的

  14.suppress v. 镇压,压制,抑制

  sup—sub press put down , suppress the rebellion, refrain from, resist , She suppressed a yawn.

  例句8.A government which ____ free speech uses force or power to prevent people form expression their opinion.

  A. presses B. impress C. Suppress D. compresses

  15.surpass v. 超过,优于

  sur –over pass, excel, exceed

  例句9.The reality surpassed our expectations.

  例句10.The car exceeded the speed.

  16.surplus n. 过剩,剩余物 a. 多余的

  sur-over plus-加

  17. survey v./n. 俯瞰,审察 v./n. 测量,勘查

  research, study, report, ---show, indicate, suggest,

  18.survival n. 幸存


  survive v. 比…长命; v. 幸免于,幸存

  例句11.Only a few soldier survived the battle.

   Survivor n. 幸存者


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