

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年06月29日 10:38   北文考研

  A:部分否定 partial negation

  常用词有代词或副词:all, both, every, everybody, every day, everyone, many, everything, entirely, altogether, absolutely, wholly, completely, weathered, always, often等和not搭配时,表示部分否定,意为“并非都是,不是每个都是”

  Both of them are not my brothers.  C.f.  “Neither of them is my brother。”

  All is not gold that glitters = not all is gold that glitters。

  Every man cannot do it = not every man can do it

  I don’t remember all these formulas。

  This kind of tree is not found everywhere。

  The rich are not always happy。

  Every couple is not a pair。


  a. 否定主语,但否定词not在形式上往往否定谓语

  Everybody cannot enjoy pop music. (not everyone)

  b. 否定表语和宾语,但否定词not在形式上往往否定谓语

  The cloth does not feel very soft. = The cloth feels not very soft。

  I don’t agree with all of you. (some of you)

  I don’t like both of the books. (I like not both of them。)

  c. 否定状语,但否定词not在形式上往往否定谓语

  He has not come to the decision quickly. (not quickly)

  I did not do it for myself. (I did it not for myself。)

  The students did not sit there listening to the teacher。

  d. 在not…and 结构中,否定的往往是and 后的部分,但否定词not往往否定谓语。

  The house is not big and comfortable。

  The house is not big, but comfortable。

  The house is not big or comfortable。

  He doesn’t speak Russian and French。

  Don’t drink and drive。

  We can’t put on airs and make people like us。


  a. I don’t know anything about her。(一无所知)

  I don’t know everything about her。(并不全知道)

  b. None of the answers are right。(都不正确)

  All the answers are not right. (并非都正确)

  c. I don’t know any of them。(全不认识)

  I don’t know all of them。(并非都认识)

  C: 双重否定,意义肯定


  No one can command others who can’t command himself。

  There was never a great genius without a tincture of madness。

  There are no roses without thorns。

  You can’t make something out of nothing. 

  What’s done can’t be undone。

  Nothing is nothing at all。

  Hardly a day passed without our learning anything new。


  no…not,  no (not)…without,   no...but,   cannot but + v,   cannot help + v-ing,  without doubt,  without fail,  cannot help + v,  without exception,  nothing less but, (正是)   none but (除…外,…别无) no one but (除了… 外,没有别人)  none too(一点也不)have no alternative /choice but to do (除...,别无选择), There is no doubt that…,  There is no denying that…, There is no question that..., not seldom, not infrequently, not unlike, not displeased

  ※We cannot but read books to enrich ourselves。

  We cannot help admiring his courage。

  I can’t help but feel sorry for her。


  D: 几乎否定


  little,  few,  barely,  hardly,  rarely,  scarcely,  seldom,

  This problem has been little studied。

  He little realized the danger he was in。

  She is barely right。

  I seldom got any sleep last night。

  Scarcely anything remains to be said。

  E: 形式否定,意义肯定


  a. cannot …too,越….。越…, 无论怎样….。也不过分

  (It’s impossible to overdo it. The more..., the more…)

  在此结构中,cannot可改为can hardly, scarcely, never, too也可改为 over + v, enough, sufficient等

  You cannot be too cautious。

  You can hardly praise him too much。

  A man can never have too many friends。

  Newton’s contribution to modern science can scarcely be overrated。

  He can’t see you quickly enough。

  (He desires to see you as soon as possible。)

  ※cannot wait to do  (eager to do)

  I cannot wait to read your new book。

  I cannot wait to see her。

  b. no(nobody)… but  都, 没有…。不,只有…。才

  There is no man but has his faults。

  There is no rule but has exception。

  Nobody reads the book but will be moved。

  There exists no man but has an enemy。

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