

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年06月29日 10:38   北文考研

  这种结构中的but起关系代词的作用,相当于that, which, who does/ will/ have not。


  No one believes that he will succeed。

  No one believes but he will succeed。

  There is no one who knows him。

  There is no one but knows him。

  There is no man that errs。

  There is no man but errs。

  You will not find the answer but (that) you study it thoroughly。

  But 为否定含义

  c. never (not)…. but (that) 每当…总是…, 没有哪次不是……

  I never see you but think of my mother。

  It never rains but it pours。

  Never a day passed but brought us good news。

  He will not be angry but that he is offended。

  d. nothing but,  none but  仅仅, 只, 只有…才

  nothing but 后接非指人的名词, none but 后接指人的名词,与nothing other than同义意为“仅仅,只有…才”

  We can see nothing but water。

  We found none but an old man in the room。

  None but me knew what happened。

  None but a fool would do such a thing。

  You can find that sort of bird nowhere but in Australia。

  e. noting else than(仅仅,完全)

  His failure was due to noting else than his own carelessness。

  f. no (none)other than正是, 仅仅是,

  This is no other than the book we want to buy。

  She is none other than my adviser。

  g. more often than not, as often as not常常, 往往

  During foggy weather, planes are late more often than not。

  As often as not, he gets up late。

  ※as likely as not=很有可能

  She will forget all about it as likely as not。

  h. 否定词 + 比较级(相当于最高级)

  I cannot agree with you more。

  C.f. I cannot agree with you any more。

  He could not feel better。

  The film cannot be better。

  He wants nothing more than time。

  Nothing is more precious than health。

  i. 否定词 + without

  There is no smoke without fire。

  He believed, not without reason, that the project will be a success。

  j. no otherwise than 只是,仅仅

  He is no otherwise afraid than of his father. (nobody but…。)

  He does no otherwise than fool around all day. (do nothing but)


  I wonder if he can(not) help you in your work。

  I don’t know whether he has (no) friends here (or not)。

  F: 形式肯定,意义否定

  a. more than…can =cannot 简直不、无法,难以

  The beauty of the park is more than words can describe。

  This is more than I can tell。

  b. more than one can help 尽量不,绝对不

  This is more than I can help。

  c. more A than B, 是A不是B,与其说是B,不如说是A。

  在此结构中,A和B 必须是同一比较的对象。

  c.f.  He is taller than his sister. (比较级)

  He is more brave than wise。

  He is more a scientist than a writer。

  d. anything but, 绝对不,根本不是,一点也不

  The draw bridge is anything but safe。

  He is anything but a scholar。

  e. may/ might as well 这不如(最好)

  It’s still raining hard outside; we may as well stay here over the night。

  f. 动词或动词短语引起的否定意义

  miss, deny, lack, refuse, escape, resist, reject, decline, doubt, wonder, give up, to say nothing of, not to mention, turn a deaf ear to, lose sight of, let alone, leave alone,

  g. 形容词引起的否定

  far from, free from/of, safe from, short of, ignorant of, wanting of, reluctant to, immune to, exempt from,

  h. 介词,介词短语

  past, above, beyond, without, instead of, in vain, in the dark, at a loss, but for, in spite of

  i. 副词短语引起的否定

  much less, still less, let alone, by no means, in no way, no longer, no more, on no account,  under no circumstances, in vain, not …at all, not …in the least

  ※ before 可以表示否定含义

  The bird flew away before he shot。

  He got up before the moon set down。

  He would die before he betrayed his county。

  Another week passed before he knew it。

  She was handcuffed before she knew it。

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