Whenever identical twins or triplets are born their parents will often be met with a cry of 'how do you tell them apart?'每当有双胞胎或三胞胎降临人世,他们的父母总会面临这样一个问题——“怎么区分他们?”
Well, one family have come up with their own way of making sure they can by colour coding their triplets' toe nails to tell them apart。好吧,有一家人想出的法子是给自家三胞胎的脚趾甲分别涂上不同颜色的指甲油。
Baby Ffion has fuschia polish on her toenails, Maddison has mint green and Paige wears purple。小宝贝费恩的脚趾甲涂的是玫红色,麦迪逊的是薄荷绿,而佩奇的是紫色。
Mother Karen, 33, said: 'It's not a fashion statement we really struggle to tell them apart。妈妈凯伦今年33岁,她说道:“这可不是为了好看,我们是真的很难把她们区分开来。”
'We came up with the nail varnish idea and it works a treat。“我们想出了这个涂指甲油的办法,效果不错。”
'It makes life a lot easier when it comes to our daily routine of feeding, bathing and nappy changing。“每天喂她们吃饭、给她们洗澡和换尿布都变得更容易了。”
'The colour coding helps us to know who has had what!'“有了颜色的区分,我们就知道自己刚刚照料的是谁了!”
Karen and dad Ian matched the first letter of the baby's name with the first letter of the shade of nail polish just to make sure they always get it right。凯伦和丈夫伊恩为了保证能正确区分出每个宝宝,给每个宝贝所用颜色名的首字母都与宝贝名字的首字母相同。
They hope as the little girls get older they will develop individual looks and personalities to help them tell one from another。他们希望,三个小美女长大之后长相和性格上会有所不同,这样他们就能把她们区分出来了。
文章关键词: 双语
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