
2015年01月07日15:00  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照 妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照
妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照 妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照
妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照 妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照
妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照 妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照
妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照 妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照
妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照 妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照
妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照 妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照
妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照 妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照
妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照 妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照
妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照 妈妈拍摄魔幻宝贝睡照

  One mother brought new meaning to sweet dreams for her baby boy, creating adorable photographs of her sleeping son going on enchanting adventures。一位妈妈为自己熟睡的儿子拍摄了一组超萌的照片,好像他正在经历神奇的冒险,妈妈为他的美梦增添了新的含义。

  Artist and mother-of-three Queenie Liao would wait until Wengenn fell asleep before quietly creating an imaginary fairy tale scene behind him to take these delightful photographs in California。家住在加利福尼亚的艺术家奎妮·廖已经是三个孩子的妈妈了。每次等温吉尔睡着之后,她就会悄悄的在他背后布置出幻想中的童话情景,然后拍下这些可爱的照片。

  With a collection of more than one hundred photographs of Wengenn’s night-time adventures, Ms Liao published a book in Chinese in Taiwan last year titled ‘Sleepy Baby’。廖妈妈已经收集了一百多张温吉尔的睡梦冒险照,她去年在中国台湾出版了一本书,名为《睡着的宝宝》。

  1.Sweet dreams: Baby Wengenn sleeps soundly and while he does his mother Queenie Liao creates fairy tale scenes around him to take adorable photographs。甜甜的美梦:宝宝温吉尔静静安睡的时候,他的妈妈奎妮·廖在他周围布置出童话场景,然后拍下可爱的照片。

  2.Midnight snack: Ms Liao uses coloured material, soft toys and household items to create the scenes around her sleeping baby。午夜点心:廖妈妈用着色材料,柔软的玩具和家居用品在睡着的宝宝身边摆出各种布景。

  3.Sleep walking: While he dozes, Ms Liao imagines different characters from fairy tales and stories so that when he is fully asleep she can quickly set the scene。梦中漫游:当他昏昏欲睡的时候,廖妈妈想象着这种来自童话中的角色和故事,如此一来,宝宝完全睡熟的时候,她就能快速布置好背景了。

  4.While you were sleeping: With more than one hundred photographs of Wengenn in the series, Ms Liao has published a book in Taiwan which provides details of how each one was set up。当你熟睡时:廖妈妈已经收集了一百多张温吉尔的睡梦冒险照,她去年在中国台湾出版了一本书,其中描述了每张照片诞生的细节。

  5.Imaginary friend: Ms Liao draws inspiration from famous child photographer Anne Geddes and mother Adele Enersen who published a book of similar photographs。幻想朋友:廖妈妈的灵感来自著名的儿童摄影师安妮·格迪斯和“妈妈阿黛勒·埃纳森”,后者出版了一本类似的相集。

  6.Sleeping among the clouds: Ms Liao hopes to one day publish an English version of her book 'Sleepy Baby' after the success of the photographs online。云中而卧:廖妈妈的照片在网上大获赞扬,她希望自己的书《睡着的宝宝》有朝一日能出版英文版。

  7.Big dreams: Ms Liao said she created the scenes 'just like how an artist would with her paint brushes'。大大的梦想:廖妈妈说,她创造这些场景的方法就好比是“一位艺术家用自己的画笔创造场景的方法”。

  8.The sound of silence: Wengenn, despite peacefully sleeping, looks to be dancing on a piano keyboard in the sky among the birds。寂静之声:尽管温吉尔正平静的安睡着,他在照片上却看起来好像正置身在一条天空中的琴键上,和小鸟一起跳舞。

  9.Dreaming with dolls: Ms Liao said she was overwhelmed by the huge amount of support and reception she has got from her adorable photographs。和套娃一起做梦:廖妈妈说,因为她拍摄的可爱照片,她得到了许多支持和强烈反响,对此她受宠若惊

  10.Fly me to the moon: Ms Liao let her imagination run wild, coming up with a huge range of different enchanting encounters for baby Wengenn。带我去月球:廖妈妈让自己的想象天马行空,为宝宝温吉尔创造了一系列许许多多,各种各样的魔幻布景。

  小编注:著名歌曲《带我去月球》是首1954年创作的华而兹舞曲, 后经众多著名歌星翻唱。美国宇航局曾把这首歌的唱片通过阿波罗飞船送上月球,使得这首歌成为第一首在月球上播放的人类歌曲。


文章关键词: 双语照片

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