双语:小黑猫躺枪 太黑不上镜被嫌弃(图)

2015年01月08日12:31  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
小黑猫躺枪 太黑不上镜被嫌弃小黑猫躺枪 太黑不上镜被嫌弃

  They may be the symbol of good luck, but black cats have drawn the short straw in one respect: they don't look good in selfies。虽然黑猫或许代表着幸运和迹象,但是有一点它却先天不足:自拍不上镜。


  Today the RSPCA announced a rise in the number of black cats being abandoned by their owners, and attributed it to them not photographing well。近日英国防止虐待动物协会宣布,越来越多的黑猫遭到主人遗弃,因为黑猫在主人自拍时不上镜。

  A spokesman for the animal welfare charity said that more than 70 per cent of the 1,000 cats in its care were black, and blamed the trend for people taking pictures of themselves with their phones。该动物协会的发言人称,动物拯救中心的1000多只黑猫有70%都是黑色的。同时这位发言人还批评了人们用手机和动物自拍的跟风潮。

  He said: 'There are a number of reasons for us having so many black cats, including the fact that black animals tend not to photograph as well as other cats with more distinctive markings。他说:“我们动物中心有如此之多的黑猫是多方面原因造成的,比如说主人在和宠物自拍合照时黑猫不如其他亮色猫咪上镜。”

  The spokesman added: 'There is a national problem with rehoming cats of this colour。发言人补充道:“为黑猫们找到新家是一个全国性的问题。”

  'We really are puzzled as to why this still happens but we would urge people to never judge a cat by its colour and look at its personality instead.'“我们真的很不解,因为我们告诉过人们不要以外表和颜色来评价一只猫咪、而是要看它的个性,但黑猫遭嫌弃的情况还是屡屡发生。”

  Founder Ronnie McMillen, 71, said: 'We have had a lot of black cats in this year - people don’t like black at the moment.71岁的动物救助中心创始人Ronnie McMillen说:“我们今年收留了很多黑猫——现在的人貌似不喜欢黑猫。”

  Animal lover Gabriella Fletcher, 20, from Stourbridge in the West Midlands owns 16-year-old black cat Susie, and regularly poses for selfies with her pet.20岁的动物爱好者Gabriella Fletcher生活在西米德兰兹郡的斯陶尔布里奇市,她拥有一只16岁的黑猫Susie。她经常和小宠物Susie一起自拍。

  She said: 'It is hard to get a good picture as you can’t really see how beautiful Susie is。她说:“很难拍出好看的照片,因为照片真的无法展现出Susie真正的美丽。”

  'But it’s very sad that people feel the need to overlook them just because they are black. They are just as special as any other cat. Black cats are mysterious and so beautiful。“但人们只是因为它们浑身黝黑就嫌弃黑猫,这很悲哀。黑猫和其他任何种类的猫咪一样特别。黑猫神秘而美丽。”


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