双语:创意天才 4岁设计师参展纽约时装周

2015年01月21日14:00  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Like many designers at New York Fashion Week, Mayhem expertly posed for photos, showed off her creations and took interviews. Unlike most designers, however, she is only four years old。和纽约时装周上许多其他的设计师一样,梅赫姆拍着气场十足的照片,展示着自己的创作,接受采访。但和大多数设计师不一样的是,她才四岁大。

  Known on Instagram as 2sisters_angie to her 400,000-plus followers, this adorable pre-schooler and her mother Angie Keiser, who calls her 'Mayhem' on social media instead of using her real name, have designed dozens of dresses with the clever and creative use of paper。在图片网站上,她的名字是2sisters_angie,坐拥超过40万粉丝,这个可爱的学龄前儿童跟她的妈妈安琪·凯瑟一起用纸质材料设计出了十几套时装,别出心裁、创意十足。在社交网络上,为了避免用她的真名,妈妈称她为梅赫姆。

  She wore one of her own designs to the event - a black and white peplum top with a floral design and a black skirt, all made from paper, of course。在时装周上,她穿着一套自己设计的衣服——一件黑白拼色、小花图案的无袖小褂,加上一条黑色短裙,当然,都是用纸做的。

  Mayhem's interest in fashion was sparked last year, when she began wrapping herself in scarves and random pieces of fabric to create brand new outfits。梅赫姆对时尚的爱好是去年才爆发的,从去年起,她开始在自己身上裹满围巾和各种质料的衣料,希望创作出全新的时装。

  When her mother suggested she start making her own clothes from construction paper, the idea took hold - and they haven't turned back since。于是她的妈妈建议她开始从图画纸创作自己的衣服,自此,这个想法开始生根发芽,从此一发不可收拾。

  Now she has a huge following on Instagram, where she shares pictures of the recreations she has made of some of her favorite red carpet looks and high-fashion designs。现在她在图片网站上有一大群粉丝,她会在网上分享她的新作,这些新作都是她对自己最喜欢的走红毯礼服和前锐流行设计作品的再创作。

  Ever the professional, Mayhem sketches her dresses before bringing them to life - although recently she's been going more high-tech with her visions。和所有的专业人士一样,梅赫姆在制作衣服之前,先画出衣服的草图——不过最近以来,她开始用更有技术含量的方法来绘出自己的想法。

  Considering she was invited to her first Fashion Week before kindergarten, it's safe to say Mayhem has got the fashion bug - and it's not going away any time soon。考虑到她在上幼儿园之前就已经收到邀请,参加她人生第一个时装周了,我们可以肯定,梅赫姆将在很长一段时间里热衷于时尚。

  'There is no shortage of inspiration at this point,' Angie says proudly. 她的母亲安琪骄傲的说:“目前来看,她一点也不缺乏创意。”


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