双语:萌物来袭 大熊猫雪中起舞惹人爱(图)

2015年02月04日09:58  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
Strike a pose Strike a pose
Get excited by the falling snow Get excited by the falling snow
Showing off his acrobatic skills Showing off his acrobatic skills
Dancing and Playing in the snow Dancing and Playing in the snow
Come over all shy Come over all shy
Stick out his tongue Stick out his tongue
Thick black and white fur Thick black and white fur

  The fun-loving bear showed off his dancing skills for his keepers and even gave them a cheeky wave from the top of his climbing frame。伟伟超爱演,先是对着饲养员展示舞姿,然后又在它的攀爬架上一本正经地跟下面招手。

  Wei Wei, who came to Wuhan Zoo in 2008 after the Sichuan earthquake near his old home, is said to get very excited by the falling snow.2008年四川地震之后,伟伟就离开他的家乡来到武汉动物园。据说它最爱下雪天!

  He then showed off his acrobatic skills as tumbled off head-first into the snow before performing aroly-poly after a thin layer of snow fell over the zoo。伟伟从架上跳下来,炫技地用头先着地,接着开始在动物园薄薄的雪上到处滚来滚去~

  Showing off some impressive moves, the playful panda then sticks his tongue out, apparently hoping to get land a flying snowflake。伟伟展示了几个超炫的舞蹈动作,又伸出舌头,显然是试图接点儿雪花。

  The panda then seems to come over all shy, and is photographed covering his head in his hands。到了镜头前面,伟伟又害羞了,拿爪子紧紧捂住脸。

  But it doesn't last for long as cheeky Wei Wei can't resist trying to catch a snowflake on his tongue。但是没过多久,它就忍不住伸出舌头,努力去接住雪花了!

  With his thick black and white fur keeping him warm, there's nothing Wei Wei likes better than a joyful tumble in the snow in the freezing Wuhan City。在冰天雪地的武汉,长了一身厚实黑白毛的伟伟,最爱的就是在雪中打滚嬉戏了!


文章关键词: 双语萌物大熊猫

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