
2015年03月05日10:06  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
Wear high-waisted pants Wear high-waisted pants
Wear one color head-to-toe Wear one color head-to-toe
Watch your shoes to your pants Watch your shoes to your pants
Opt for platform shoes Opt for platform shoes

  If we had to put money on it, we’d venture a guess that there are more women out there who’d rather be taller than those who’d rather be shorter. Of course, no physical desire that women have is entirely universal, but if you’re a gal who wouldn’t mind adding a couple inches to your height, you might want to keep reading。如果来赌钱,变高和变矮之间我们猜肯定更多的女人想变得更高而不是更矮。当然了,没有长高这种欲望的女人也是完全通用的,但是姑娘如果你不介意能从脚底开始增高个几英尺的话,你可能会想继续读这篇文章的。

  We chatted with our resident celebrity stylists, Emily Current and Meritt Elliott, who shared their insights on how you can instantly add inches to your frame just by using your wardrobe. And no, it’s not just always about throwing on a pair of super-high heels。我们和常驻名人造型师艾米丽·卡伦特和美里特·艾略特聊过,他们给出了关于你“如何用衣饰搭配让你在现有的身高上增高几英尺”的看法,我们在这里为你们分享。而且,不单单只有穿高跟这种方法哦。

  Keep scrolling to find out four easy ways to add instant height!滚动你的鼠标来看看这四种简单“长高”的方法吧!

  1. Wear high-waisted pants。穿高腰的裤子。

  The higher waist on a pair of trousers makes your legs look like they’re miles longer than they really are。高腰的裤子让你的腿看上去比实际上长的多。

  2. Watch your shoes to your pants。鞋和裤子保持一致。

  If you wear shoes that are the same color as your pants, your entire lower half gets longer instantly。如果你的鞋和你的裤子颜色一致,你整个下半身就会立刻拉长。

  3. Wear one color head-to-toe。从头到脚穿一色。

  A monochromatic look lengthens you and gives you supermodel proportions in no time。单色使得你看上去修长,而且立刻赐你超模比例身材。

  4. Opt for platform shoes。厚底鞋的选择。

  A pair of platform heels gives you an extra boost of height that a normal pair of shoes can’t offer。一双厚底鞋能让你迅猛增高,这是普通鞋所做不到的。


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