
2015年03月06日16:05  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Here's something that surprised us when we saw it trending in China: the "handsome" men of the London public transport system。当看到“伦敦地铁里的帅哥”在中国火了以后真是叫我们大吃一惊!

  The Tube - as London's underground system is known - is famous around the world for all sorts of reasons, from its history to its distinctive logo and map. But its reputation for gorgeous looking people wasn't something we were aware of。伦敦地铁——因为各种原因:从它的历史渊源到它独一无二的LOGO还有地图而世界闻名。但是它美名远播是因为一群帅哥?!好吧,我们真没想到。

  Yet that is what appears to be happening on the Chinese micro-blogging website Sina Weibo. Images of various male London commuters are being shared there, and one image alone can generate in the region of 100,000 likes and shares . Most of the comments about the images are very positive. "I want to take Tubes everyday!" wrote one Weibo user. "Handsome people really look good in anything," said another。但是,这似乎在中国新浪微博上已是铁铮铮的事实了。无数伦敦地铁里的帅哥图片被分享,每一张都能有12万的点赞和分享。大部分图片的评论都很正面。“我也想每天坐这些地铁!”一位微博用户写道。“帅哥干什么都是帅呆的!”另一位说道。

  These pictures come from a British website that allows users to submit secretly taken photos of attractive men on the Tube. TubeCrush.net was set up four years ago by a group of friends living in London. "The third biggest source of traffic to our website is actually from China," says Stephen Motion, the site's co-founder. " We see most traffic coming from Guangzhou and Shanghai."这些照片来自一个英国网站,该网站允许用于偷偷上传偷拍的地铁帅哥。四年前,一群伦敦的伙伴们创建了TubeCrush.net。“我们网站的第三大流量来源实际上来自中国,”网站创始人之一史蒂芬·莫森说道,“最大的流量来自广州和上海。”

  "Interestingly we don't receive many requests. When people discover they've been photographed, they're actually quite proud."“有意思的是,我们并没收到很多投诉。当人们发现自己被偷拍了,他们其实感到很自豪呢。”


  @Mandy George: Tom Hiddleston takes the tube, just saying ....。.顺便说一下,抖森坐过地铁(==)

  @Fevos Pleb: The man in the picture is me. Just dyed my hair brown and started wearing brown contact lenses. Still me, though。照片上那货不是我吗?!



  @VogueShoesRemit:" Are u gay?" "No! I'm British " "有区别吗"…"


  1、  They are true gentlemen, because of good manners and politeness. 他们都是真正的绅士,因为他们彬彬有礼且优雅非凡。

  2、  Charming, even when they’re a bit drunk。即使喝醉了也很有魅力。

  3、  Elegant British accent。高逼格的英音。

  4、  They know how to make a proper cup of tea. 他们知道怎样泡出最好喝的红茶。

  5、  British boyfriends of the world, we salute you. 我的英国男盆友敬礼也帅呆了!!!


文章关键词: 双语伦敦地铁帅哥

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