From colourful cocktail numbers to elaborate feathered headpieces, the Queen is almost as famous for her hats as she is for her constitutional role。从色彩缤纷的半正式场合款到精心制作的有羽毛装饰的帽子,英国女王因帽子而出名,起程度完全不亚于职责赋予她的名气。
In France, her headgear is looked upon with total fascination, while in the UK, Her Majesty's hats are traditionally the subject of bets during Royal Ascot week。在法国,人们对于她的帽子完全是欣赏的态度;而在英国,女王的帽子则是英国皇家赛马会传统的打赌对象。
Now, a fascinating collection of previously unseen letters to her milliner has revealed just how much the Queen adores them。如今,一系列女王写个她的女帽设计师的信件首次曝光,从这些信件可以看出女王对帽子是何等的喜爱。
The letters, written to long-serving hat-maker Philip Somerville over 25 years, the missives also touch on Her Majesty's passion for corgis and her knowledge of running a business。这些信件的收件人是长期为女王制作帽子的飞利浦·萨莫维尔,时间跨越25年,很多内容提到女王对柯基犬的热爱以及她对经营的了解。
Others contain thanks for hats made by Mr Somerville and a touching sentence in which the Queen describes herself as 'almost the only person' who wears hats all the time。其他也提到了感谢萨莫维尔先生为她制作的帽子。在包含深意的句子中,女王把自己描述为“唯一一个”总是戴帽子的人。
Philip Somerville, who died last year aged 84, made the Queen's hats for over 25 years。飞利浦·萨莫维尔为女王做帽子超过25个年头,去年去世了,享年84岁。
In the missives, the Queen details her love of corgis and thanks Mr Somerville for his work。大量信件中,女王细细描述对柯基犬的热爱以及对萨默尔而先生的感谢。
Princess Diana was among the flock of celebrities and royals to wear Mr Somerville's creations。戴安娜王妃是萨莫维尔先生众多名流皇室顾客中的一个。
Mr Somerville's designs also appeared on the red carpet and in fashion magazines。萨莫维尔先生的设计也出现在红毯和时尚杂志上。
The Queen's cornflower blue hat got its first outing at Prince George's Christening in 2013.女王的矢车菊蓝帽子在2013年乔治王子的洗礼时初次亮相。
The Queen is elegant in white for a welcome by Mozambican dancers in Maputo in 1999.1999年,女王在马普托受到莫桑比克舞者列队欢迎,带着白色帽子的女王十分优雅。