Want to drink more water to benefit your health? Try these tips for identifying nine times that your body needs drinking water most。想多喝水强身健体?试试这些小妙招,告诉你这9个时刻你最需要喝水。
1.Drink water when you first get up。起床的时候喝水
Considering starting your car in sub-zero temperatures and putting it into gear without waiting for the engine to warm up. Either situation can lead to problems or even disasters。试想一下,在零下启动你的车,没等引擎预热好就加汽油。哪种情况都会引发问题,甚至是灾难。
The same is true of the human body. Without water to “wake up and turn on” the body each day, you may be running on empty, especially if you skip breakfast altogether。人的身体也是一样的。每天不喝水就“起床,打开身体的开关”,尤其是你连早饭一并省去的时候,就可能是空腹忙碌奔波。
2. Drink water before each meal。吃饭前喝水
Drinking water before a meal helps you feel fuller, so you may be less likely to attack your meal like a starving person。饭前喝水能助你增添饱腹感,这样你就不太会像个饿鬼一样狂扫餐点。
3. Drink water with a snack. 吃零食时喝水
Between meals, if you feel hungry, try some fresh drinking water first to see if you are dehydrated. Sometimes people think they are hungry when they really are just thirsty。如果还没吃饭你就饿了,试试先喝水来看看自己是不是脱水了。有时候人们觉得饿了,其实是他们渴了。
4. Drink water before a workout. 锻炼前喝水
Depending on the temperature, humidity, and your body’s fluid levels, you may need one or several glasses of water, each about eight ounces, to arm yourself against dehydration during an indoor or outdoor workout。根据气温、湿度、和你身体的液面值,你会需要一杯或是几杯水(每杯8盎司),在室内或室外锻炼的时候助你不至于脱水。
5. Drink water after a workout。锻炼后喝水
Following your exercise session, drink up to replace fluids lost by sweating and physical labor。在锻炼之后,出汗和体能劳动的水分流失用喝水补回来。
6. Have water with your medication, if allowed。如获准,吃药时喝水
If you are allowed to take water with your medication, do so. Water helps to dissolve the medication and spread it throughout your digestive organs for rapid absorption。如果你吃好的时候可以喝水,那就这么干吧。水分帮你溶解药物,并通过消化器官扩散,迅速吸收。
7. Drink more water to prevent illness following exposures。多喝水来避免感染。
If you are around sick people in the hospital or at work and school, drink a little more water than usual to wash away germs and viruses that your body may have picked up from exposure to these people。如果你在医院,或是工作或是学校被病人包围了,比平时多喝一点水,来冲刷掉因为暴露在病人身边而会感染的细菌和病菌。
8. Drink more water when you’re ill。生病时多喝水
When you do become ill, drink plenty of fluids—the old-time recipe still works。生病的时候多饮液体——老偏方还是管用的。
9. Have a glass of water when you’re tired。累了喝一大杯水。
Feeling tired? Fatigued? Need a nap but can’t take one? Have a glass of water。觉得累了?乏了?想要打个瞌睡但是没办法?喝杯水吧。