Chinese singer and actress Li Yuchun interacts with a panda
during the reality show Wonderful Friends. [Photo/Xinhua]
China's first animal reality show has sparked debate over whether appearing on television puts zoo animals in distress。
The reality show, titled Wonderful Friends, features movie stars and pop singers taking on the responsibilities of animal keepers and vets at the zoo. It has become one of the most viewed weekend shows in China。
对于真人秀(reality show),我们已经不陌生。近几年国内各家卫视都从国外引进了不同类型的真人秀节目争夺观众的眼球,有些关注草根大众(the grassroots),有些则请来明星大腕(the A-listers)。
此次引发争议的“动物真人秀”(animal reality show),顾名思义,节目的主角是动物,但是为了吸引观众自然也少不了明星的参与。节目组表示,这个节目的初衷(original goal)是为了帮助人类和动物建立感情(establish emotional interaction between humans and animals)。但是世界动物园和水族馆联合会(World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, WAZA)却在声明中表示,在这种残忍的、违背天性的环境中展示动物(animals presented in such cruel and unnatural surroundings),对于真正的动物保护举措毫无益处。甚至也有人担心,该节目播出以后会引发人们把相关动物当宠物养的热潮,从而导致一些受保护动物的非法捕猎和买卖(illegal hunt and trade)。