
2015年03月24日14:13  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
奶牛装屁屁收集器萌创意爆笑走红奶牛装屁屁收集器 萌创意爆笑走红

  Scientists in Argentina may have just the answer to combat global warming。阿根廷科学家或许找出了解决全球变暖问题的方法。

  With cows being responsible for up to 25 percent of the methane gas released in the US each year, a group of scientists at Argentina's National Institute of Agricultural Technology is now attaching backpacks to cows to collect the animals'...farts。全球每年产生的温室气体中,牛贡献了25%。阿根廷国家农业技术研究所的一组科学家现在正在尝试往牛身上安装背包,以收集……屁屁。

  Here's the way it works: Tubes connected to the cows' digestive tracks are collected and then stored in the backpack. 来看看具体是怎么操作的吧:与牛消化道连接的管子汇聚在背包中,收集的气体也存储在里面。

  Scientists say that the farts collected each day could produce enough energy to run a car or refrigerator for an entire 24 hours。科学家说每天收集的奶牛的屁屁,就可以生产供小汽车或冰箱运转24小时的能量。

  While the likelihood of this becoming a mainstream form of energy production is quite slim, the Argentine scientists say these silent but deadly bovine deeds could be used to power remote farms。然而,屁屁收集器成为能源生产的主流方式、这种可能性却很小。科学家说,这些无声但又充满“牛味”的做法,可以被用来给偏远农庄供电。


文章关键词: 双语奶牛屁屁收集器

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