It s late at night. You re dead tired. You lie down in bed and close youreyes, wanting to get a goodnight sleep. You toss and turn, take on all thesleeping positions you love, and count sheep in your head… only to find thatmore than an hour has passed and you re still wide awake. What s wrong withyou?
Chances are, you probably ate something that s keeping you up right beforebedtime. If you don t want to have insomnia come knocking into your bedroom,stay away from these 12 worst foods to eat at night. These are the kinds offoods that will prevent you from getting a shuteye and well-deserved rest。
1. Chocolate
Chocolate has caffeine though, especially dark chocolate. Caffeine isnormally found in the cacao pods used to make chocolate. It is the same thingpresent in coffee which gives you that morning jolt. It also contains anotherstimulant theobromine. Theobromine causes your heart to race and will makesleeping difficult. The one type of chocolate you can eat at night is whitechocolate. It does not contain theobromine and has little to no caffeine。
2. Spicy food
Digestion slows down during sleep. And because it takes extra effort forthe body to digest spicy food, it will have a harder time doing so during sleep.It has also been suggested in some studies that eating spicy foods disrupts thesleep by causing nightmares. Avoid spicy meals at least two to three hoursbefore going to bed。
3. Coffee
It s not surprising. Caffeine is specifically a central nervous systemstimulant. It takes a total of 6 hours for your body to get rid of half thecaffeine found in a cup of coffee. Drinking three 8 oz. cups of coffee in a dayis deemed moderate but it is best that you avoid having a cup at least 12 hoursbefore going to sleep。
4. Alcoholic beverages
Alcohol did enable healthy people to fall asleep faster and get deep sleepfor some time. However, it reduces their rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, theonly phase during the sleep cycle when the body recovers and prepares itself forthe waking part of the day. It is recommended to limit alcoholic beverage intaketo 1 to 2 servings and to drink them 4 to 6 hours before bedtime. To ensure goodsleep, it is best you avoid it。
5. Fatty food
Scientists conducted a study at the University of Minnesota and MinneapolisVeterans Affairs Medical Center. They found that foods high in fat may decreasethe quality of sleep in humans. They placed rats on a high fat diet for 8 weeksto investigate its effects on sleep, carefully monitoring their sleep-wake cycleand comparing them to rats which were maintained on their regular diet. Resultsrevealed that the sleep cycle of rats which were on a high fat diet turned forthe worst. While these rats slept for longer periods than those on regular diet,they had more fragmented sleep and had difficulty staying awake during theday。
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