When 18-year-old Stian Ytterdahl’s friends dared him to get a tattoo, they gave him only two options to choose from – Barbie on his buttocks or a McDonald’s receipt on his arm. They’re both terrible, but I suppose you can’t blame Stian for choosing the latter.18岁的挪威小伙斯蒂安·伊特多被朋友们怂恿去纹身,但朋友们只给了他两个选择——在臀部纹个芭比娃娃或在手臂上纹麦当劳收据。两个要求都有些强人所难,但我相信你们应该不会责怪斯蒂安选择了后者。
“Some of my mates thought I had been a bit too active on the ladies front recently and wanted to punish me,” he said. “When we were in the restaurant on Monday, they said I had to tattoo a Barbie doll on my bum, or the receipt on my arm。” 斯蒂安说:“朋友们认为我最近对女生表现得太过活跃,所以想要惩罚我。星期一我们在麦当劳饭时,他们说我必须在臀部上纹一个芭比娃娃或在手臂上纹一个收据。”
Incidentally, this is the teenager’s first tattoo ever, covering most of his lower right arm. There’s a large McDonalds logo at the top, followed by a list of items he ordered off the menu – a cheeseburger and four addedtoppings。巧的是这是伊特多的第一个纹身,几乎覆盖了他整个右下臂。纹身最上面是一个大大的麦当劳标志,接下来是他点的食物——一个起司汉堡和四个配料。
Stian, from Southwest Norway, also said that his parents were not at all pleased with the turn of events. “I got an email from my dad that wasn’t entirely positive, saying: ‘What on earth have you done?! Do you think you are coming home with that!? Your mother has had a break down.’” 斯蒂安来自挪威西南部,他说他的父母对纹身这件事非常不满。“我收到父亲发给我的一封邮件,他说:‘你到底做了什么?难道你想带着这个纹身回家吗?你妈妈都已经崩溃了。’”
Stian’s parents got to know about the tattoo from a report in the local newspaper and they were devastated. 斯蒂安的父母是从当地一家报纸上知道了儿子弄了这么一个奇葩的纹身,当时他们感到十分震惊。
The media caught hold of pictures after they were shared by a tattoo artist on Facebook. When Stian had first approached him, he raised an eyebrow, but proceeded anyway. 一名纹身师在脸书上分享了斯蒂安的纹身照片,之后当地的一家媒体对此进行了报道。当斯蒂安向纹身师提出这个要求时,他皱起了眉毛,但最终还是答应了。
The images, captioned
‘my strangest tattoo so far’, have garnered over 1,000 likes and over 200 shares. “It’s funny to think that I have a tattoo which no one else even has the likes of,” said Stian。脸书上分享的照片还配上了标题“迄今为止我纹的最奇怪的纹身”。照片被点赞一千多次、转发两百多次。斯蒂安说:“有一个别人从来没纹过的纹身,我觉得很有意思。”
Even the date and time is on it. I might not find it funny when I am 50 or 60 years old, but it’s my choice. I might even get a job at McDonald’s now,” he joked。他开玩笑说:“纹身上面还有时间和日期。也许等我五、六十岁的时候,就不会觉得这很有趣了,但这是我的选择。麦当劳可能会因此雇佣我呢。”
The tattoo artist has put a weird twist on the story – he offered Stian to ink the receipt of the first tattoo on his other arm for free. It’s unbelievable, but he has accepted the offer. So he’ll have a tattoo of a receipt on one arm and a tattoo of the receipt of the tattoo of a receipt on the other. Now that’s just twisted!最后故事又有一个大转折——纹身师决定免费为斯蒂安在另一只手臂上纹身,只不过图案必须是第一个纹身的费用收据。斯蒂安答应了。所以他的一只手臂上有一个麦当劳的收据,而另一只手臂上将会有一个麦当劳收据纹身的收据。够绕吧!