
2015年07月08日10:47  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     


  That’s right, 1000 big ones just for showing up for a job interview. In a climate where many people are struggling to get their foot in the door this seems almost too good to be true。没错儿,只要来面试,1000英镑就是你的了。现如今许多人找个工作连门儿都难进,这事儿看起来美好得太不真实了。

  But it is true. Midas Media, located in Melton Mowbrey in the East Midlands, are taking the unique

  step of paying anybody who attends a job interview with them £1,000. What legends eh? The job would be working in digital marketing。但这事儿还真不假。位于英国东部地区梅尔顿莫布雷的米达斯传媒公司(Midas Media)为了招揽人才出了一奇招,任何上门面试的人都将获得1000英镑。这又是什么鬼?据悉,该公司招聘的是数字营销一职。

  The reason for their generosity is all down to the location. We spoke to Ed Leake, the companies Managing Director and he told us:这家公司出手如此大方,全与其所在的地理位置有关。在接受我们的采访时,该公司的总经理艾德·力克告诉我们说:

  “If we were in London, Manchester, or Brighton we would have landed someone by now. We put the job out there and didn’t receive any applications for a month and a half。”“如果我们的公司是在伦敦,曼切斯特,或是布莱顿,那我们早就招到人了。我们把招聘启事都贴出去了,但是一个半月来都没有收到任何申请。”

  “After thinking outside the box a little and coming up with the £1,000 scheme we have started to see more interest. It’s all gone a little bit crazy, we’ve been on the BBC and even on TV in Canada。”“于是我们就突发奇想,想到了给面试者1000英镑的点子,之后来申请的人就多了。这事儿突然就火了,我们因此上了BBC,甚至还上了加拿大的电视。”

  Melton Mowbray may have been the stumbling block, but this is the place that is famous for the pork pie. What more could you ask for? 梅尔顿莫布雷的地理位置或许是招不到的人障碍。但这地方的猪肉馅饼可是出了名的。你还想怎样?

  And for those who could do with an extra grand in your back pocket but don’t fancy the relocation. 那些拿了1000英镑上岗的人,可别还想着跑别的地儿去。

  Unfortunately, it won’t be as easy as that. Midas Media will be conducting phone interviews first and only those who are successful in progressing to a face to face interview, during which they will have to submit a future plan, will be paid the £1,000.但事情可没那么简单。米达斯传媒公司将会先进行电话面试,电话面试成功的人之后还要上交一份未来规划书,这样才能获得1000英镑。

  Still, if you are interested in the role this could be the most rewarding job interview you ever attend。当然了,如果你对这个岗位有兴趣,这或许是你参加过的回报最高的工作面试。

  A boss that pays you for attending the job interview, that’s the kind of boss we want to be working for! 连参加面试都给打赏的老板,才是我们想要效力的好老板!


文章关键词: 双语英国面试英镑

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