
2015年07月09日14:19  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
罗琳爆料弗农姨夫为啥讨厌哈利波特 罗琳爆料弗农姨夫为啥讨厌哈利波特
罗琳爆料弗农姨夫为啥讨厌哈利波特 罗琳爆料弗农姨夫为啥讨厌哈利波特

  Harry Potter author JK Rowling has finally revealed why Uncle Vernon hated his nephew so much。《哈利•波特》的作者J•K•罗琳最终曝出了为什么弗农姨夫如此讨厌这个外甥。

  Writing on her popular website Pottermore, the author has divulged what exactly provoked Vernon's dislike of Harry - his hatred for his father, James Potter。她在自己颇受欢迎网站Pottermore上揭示了究竟是什么使弗农讨厌哈利——是他对哈利父亲詹姆斯•波特的憎恨。

  Throughout the books the author made it clear that the all of the Dursleys - Vernon, wife Petunia, Harry's maternal aunt, and cousin Dudley - saw the orphaned Harry as an unfortunate burden。纵观《哈利•波特》系列,作者写得很清楚,德思礼全家人——弗农,妻子佩妮(哈利的姨妈)和表哥达利——把哈利这个孤儿看作不幸的负担。

  The little boy was left to languish in the cupboard under the stairs with only the spiders for company until his escape to Hogwarts。这个小男孩在逃出来去霍格沃茨之前一直被留在这儿受苦,住在楼梯下的碗柜里,只有蜘蛛为伴。

  Rowling hinted throughout the series that contributing factors towards the Dursley's mistreatment of their nephew was their hatred of magic and Petunia's jealousy of her sister, Lily - Harry's mother。罗琳在《哈利•波特》系列中暗示了导致德思礼一家虐待外甥的原因就是他们憎恨魔法,加上佩妮对妹妹(也就是哈利妈妈)莉莉的嫉妒。

  Now, eight years after the final book was published, the root of the resentment has finally been revealed - it is Harry's strong resemblance to his father which led to their unhappy relationship。现在,距最后一本书出版已经八年了,怨恨的根源最终被曝出来了——就是哈利和父亲极高的相似度造成了他和姨夫之间不愉快的关系。

  In the family backstory, which was published this week, Rowling writes that while Lily and her then-boyfriend James Potter were in their final year at Hogwarts, they were invited by Petunia to meet her new fiancé, Vernon Dursley。本周出版的《家族的幕后故事》中,罗琳写了莉莉和当时的男友詹姆斯•波特在霍格沃茨的最后一年,受佩妮之邀来见她的未婚夫弗农•德思礼。

  She wrote: 'James was amused by Vernon, and made the mistake of showing it。她写道:“詹姆斯被弗农逗乐了,但错在不该表现出来。”

  'Vernon tried to patronise James, asking what car he drove. James described his racing broom.'“弗农瞧不起詹姆斯,假惺惺地问他开什么车,詹姆斯就描述了一番他的飞天扫帚。”

  'Vernon supposed out loud that wizards had to live on unemployment benefit. James explained about Gringotts, and the fortune his parents had saved there, in solid gold.'“弗农大声说巫师得靠失业救济金过活,詹姆斯解释了古灵阁和他父母存在那儿的财产,都是金子。”

  'Vernon could not tell whether he was being made fun of or not, and grew angry.'“弗农弄不明白自己是不是被愚弄了,就生气了。”

  'The evening ended with Vernon and Petunia storming out of the restaurant, while Lily burst into tears and James (a little ashamed of himself) promised to make things up with Vernon at the earliest opportunity.'“这个夜晚最终以弗农和佩妮夺门而出告终,莉莉却痛哭起来,詹姆斯感觉有点惭愧,就承诺会尽快弥补弗农。”

  But the two couples never reconciled and the Dursleys later refused to attend Lily and James's wedding, due to the falling out。但双方再没能和好,德思礼一家后来拒绝参加莉莉和詹姆斯的婚礼,就是由于这次闹翻了。

  The short story then makes it clear that it is Harry's uncanny resemblance to his dead father, who was so disliked by Vernon, that provoked his uncle's wrath。这个小故事清楚地表明了就是因为哈利和死去的父亲太像了,而弗农又太讨厌他父亲,才招致了姨夫的愤怒。

  Rowling added: 'Uncle Vernon's dislike of Harry stems in part, like Severus Snape's, from Harry's close resemblance to the father they both so disliked.'罗琳补充说:“弗农姨夫像西弗勒斯•斯内普一样,不喜欢哈利有部分是因为哈利太像他父亲了,而他父亲正是他们俩都讨厌的人。”

  The revelation will bring an end to many fan theories for the cause for the uneasy relationship。这个秘密的揭示会结束许多粉丝对造成这种不愉快关系的原因的揣测。

  Warner Brothers recently announced that Oscar-winning actor Eddie Redmayne will star in Harry Potter spin-off film Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them。华纳兄弟最近宣称奥斯卡获奖演员埃迪•雷德梅尼将主演《哈利•波特》外传《神奇动物在哪里》。

  Eddie will play magizoologist Newt Scamander, 'who in his travels has encountered and documented a myriad of magical creatures.’埃迪将出演魔法动物学家纽特•斯卡曼德,他在游历时遇到并记录了大量的怪兽。

  The tale is set in New York, 70 years before the saga of boy wizard Potter and is described as neither a prequel or sequel, but rather an extension of author JK Rowling's popular Wizarding World of magic。故事以纽约为背景,在巫师男孩波特的冒险故事发生的70年前,这个故事既不是前传也不是后续,而是J•K•罗琳的受欢迎的魔法巫师世界故事的延伸。


文章关键词: 哈利波特罗琳弗农双语

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