An image of a homeless boy who used light from a McDonald’s restaurant in the Philippines to do his homework has gone viral on social media with many saying he had inspired them。社交媒体上一张照片得以走红——一个无家可归的小男孩在菲律宾借着一家麦当劳餐馆的灯光做作业。许多网友表示受到了他的鼓舞。
Daniel Cabrera was spotted by Joyce Torrefranca, a medical student, as he worked away on the pavement in Manilla。一位名叫乔伊斯·特雷弗兰卡的医学院学生在马尼拉的人行道上工作时发现了丹尼尔·卡布雷拉。
She posted the image to Facebook, saying Daniel had inspired her to work harder:她把照片发到了脸书上,感慨道丹尼尔鼓舞她更努力地工作:
I got inspired by a kid ❤我被一个小孩激励到了。❤
The picture was soon being shared thousands of times, with people reflecting how often even basic living standards are taken for granted。这张照片的分享量立马达到了上千次,人们反思他们有多少次把基本的生存标准当做理所当然。
Daniel’s home was burnt down and his father died. He is often seen begging with his mother in the same area, but shows a determination to get an education。丹尼尔的家是被烧毁的,而他的父亲也去世了。人们经常看到他和母亲在同一个地方乞讨,但他展现出受教育的决心。
No chair, no table, no problem--Daniel Cabrera is determined to study。没桌椅,没关系。丹尼尔·卡布雷拉用心学习。
"As a student, it gave me an inspiration to work harder. I'm fortunate my parents were able to send me to school. I seldom go to coffee shops to study, but this kid just hit me,” Torrefranca told Rappler。特雷弗兰卡告诉拉帕拉尔:“作为一名学生,这张图激励我更努力地工作。我父母能把我送去上学我感到很幸运。我很少去咖啡店学习,但这个小孩就这么打动了我。”