1. We're not impatient, just efficient。我们不是没耐心,而是有效率
Long lines? Traffic? Type A individuals loathe them all. This is because we feel as though they're slowing our progress of a certain goal-- even if that goal is just to deposit a check at the bank。排长队?堵车?我们A型人格患者恨透了这些。这是因为,我们感觉这些事情会拖累我们向某个目标前进的进度——即使所谓的目标只是去银行存个钱。
2. Arriving late to anything is agonizing。在任何情况下迟到都是可耻可恨的
If you tell us to be somewhere at 6:30, more likely than not, we're rolling up to the parking lot at 6:25. Type A folks tend to have an oversensitivity to time, because we don't want to feel like we're wasting it。如果你让我们A型人格患者在6:30到达某个地方,很有可能我们在6:25就已经到达目的地的停车场了。A型人格患者往往对时间过渡敏感,因为我们不希望觉得自己在浪费时间。
3. We live by to-do lists。我们按照任务清单来生活
How else are we supposed to track what we're supposed to get done?!否则我们怎么明确自己该干什么事呢?
4. Each task we're assigned is urgent。我们接受的每项任务都很紧迫
Because of this, we value team members who work with the same brevity and speed that we do. Once again, wasting time is our ultimate enemy。正因为此,我们很看重团队中能和我们一样做事干练、有速度的团队成员。再说一遍,浪费时间是我们的死敌。
5. We're extremely goal-oriented。我们非常以目标为导向。
Once we commit to something, we see it through until the very end, whether it's a work project or Friday night plans。一旦我们决定要做某件事,我们就会不达目的决不罢休,不管是对一个工作项目还是对周五晚上的娱乐计划。
6. It's hard for us to relax。我们很难放松
This is where time sensitivity comes into play again. We hate the idea of letting time pass if there's something we need to be doing. Downtime tends to feel unproductive to Type A folks -- unless, of course, it's on our to-do list。这又是我们对时间的高度敏感性在起作用了。我们讨厌明知道自己必须做某件事,却让时间白白流失。我们觉得休整时间是无生产率的——当然,休整作为任务被列入任务清单的话就另当别论了。
7. We get stressed out easily。我们很容易感到焦虑
Type A are more sensitive to stress (which, as we know, is terribly bad for our health). We also tend to default on the worst possible outcome when working through a situation. Sorry in advance for the slight negativity.A型人格患者对压力更为敏感(众所周知,这对我们的健康非常不利)。我们常常在事情尚未处理完毕的时候,就已经预见到最坏的结果。先为我们这种略为悲观的倾向道歉啦。
8. We have nervous habits。我们在神经紧张时会做某种习惯性动作
For me, it's hair twirling. For others, it's nail biting or teeth grinding. This behavior is common for Type A personalities。对我来说,这种习惯动作是用手指缠绕自己的头发。对其他A型人格患者来说,这种习惯性动作也可能是咬指甲或者磨牙。这种应对神经紧张的小动作在A型人格者身上很常见。
9. We're emotional。我们很容易情绪化
The reason we behave the way that we do is because we care (some could even argue that we care just a little too much). Researchers suggest that Type A people are highly conscientious
-- so while it may seem like we're uptight when we're organizing our friend's birthday party, it's really just because we want it to be spectacular. They deserve it。我们之所以做事情如此锱铢必较是因为我们在乎这件事(有人可能会抱怨说,我们在乎过头了)。研究者称,A型人格患者都是极度认真负责的——所以,如果我们在为朋友举办生日派对时显得焦躁易怒,这只是因为我们希望把它办的尽善尽美。寿星们值得拥有!
10. We're constantly ruminating over something。我们总会回想某件事
You know when you just replay a mistake over and over in your head? This is a common occurrence for Type A individuals. We are notorious for dwelling on our worries, sometimes to the point where it keeps us up at night。人们总会在脑子里一遍一遍回想自己犯过的一个错误,你懂的?这种现象对A型人格患者很常见。这是我们臭名昭著的坏习惯,我们会不断纠结于自己的烦心事,有时甚至为此整晚难以入睡。
11. We have a competitive side。我们有好胜的一面
This is perhaps one of our most glaring flaws. Type A's put a lot of pressure on themselves to be the best possible version of themselves, which sometimes is taken to mean "the best person in the room." It doesn't matter if it's a work assignment or a board game, they're all the same to a Type A personality。这可能是我们最突出的缺陷。A型人格患者的一大乐趣在于,让自己扮演最完美的自己,虽然有时这会被误解成“充当一个屋子里最完美的人”。不管是对一项工作任务还是对一场棋类游戏,A型人格患者总是那个好胜的A型人格患者。
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