双语盘点年度全球最丑狗 形似钟楼怪人(图)

2015年07月14日14:17  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
年度全球最丑狗 年度全球最丑狗
年度全球最丑狗 年度全球最丑狗


  Quasi Modo, a short-spined mixed-breed dog from Florida, was named the world's ugliest dog for epitomizing "excellence in ugliness."卡西莫多,是弗罗里达一条短脊混种狗,被命名为世界最丑狗狗,“丑到极致”的代表。

  The 10-year-old pit bull-Dutch shepherd mix won the title from a pool of 27 underdogs at the annual World's Ugliest Dog contest at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, California。这条10岁的狗狗是斗牛犬和荷兰牧羊犬的杂交后代,在27条“其貌不扬”的狗狗中脱颖而出,赢得了加利福尼亚佩特卢马索诺玛马林集市一年一度的世界丑狗之最的比赛。

  The judges score the dogs on first impressions, unusual attributes, natural ugliness, personality and audience impression, according to the event's website."We aren't interested in lineage; it's the inner beauty and personality that shine in our World's Ugliest Dog contest," said Karen Spencer, marketing director for Sonoma-Marin Fair, which organizes the event。据活动网站称,评委们按照对狗狗的第一印象、特别品质、天生貌丑程度、个性、观众印象来打分。“我们对血统不感兴趣,在世界丑狗之最的比赛中,大放异彩的是内在美和性格,”索诺玛马林集市的市场总监兼活动的组织方卡伦·史班瑟如是说。

  The first runner-up was Sweepee Rambo, a Chinese crested

  Chihuahua, who takes pride in her soft freckled skin and blond mohawk. The second runner-up was Frodo, a 12½-year-old Chinese crested hairless-Chihuahua mix from Sparks, Nevada, who loves to be bossy, according to his official bio。获得第二的是扫把头兰博,中国冠毛狗和吉娃娃的混种,兰博引以为豪的是其带雀斑又不失柔软的皮肤和金色的马希坎式发型。第三名的是福禄多,十二岁半,中国冠毛犬和吉娃娃的混种,来自内华达的斯帕克斯,最爱发号施令。

  Because many of the homely hounds, including this year's ugliest, come from shelters and puppy mills, the contest aims to encourage adoption of dogs regardless of their physical shortcomings。因为许多相貌平平的猎犬,包括今年最丑的,来自收容所和小狗育种场,此次竞赛的目的是鼓励人们收养狗狗,不要去计较它们的身体缺陷。

  Quasi Modo's owner found her at an animal shelter.She has multiple birth defects to her spine, and her back is too short for the rest of her body.Grown-ups have mistaken her for a hyena

  or Tasmanian devil and jumped on their cars to get away, but once they get to know her she wins them over with her bubbly personality。卡西莫多的主人是在动物收容所发现的它。卡西莫多生来脊柱就有许多缺陷,于整个身体而言,它的背脊太短。大人们都把卡西莫多错当成鬣狗或是“大嘴怪”,见状会飞车夺路而逃,但一旦了解了卡西莫多,人们又会大爱它的活泼欢愉的性情。


文章关键词: 双语最丑狗钟楼怪人

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