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欧洲厚底鞋 15-17世纪 欧洲厚底鞋 15-17世纪
2. 长趾鞋 19世纪 2. 长趾鞋 19世纪
3. 水晶女士芭蕾踮脚鞋 3. 水晶女士芭蕾踮脚鞋
4. 维维安·韦斯特伍德的鞋 1993年 4. 维维安·韦斯特伍德的鞋 1993年
5. 满族女性花盆底鞋 19世纪 5. 满族女性花盆底鞋 19世纪
6. Master John靴子 20世纪70年代 6. Master John靴子 20世纪70年代
7. 扎哈·哈迪德给United Nude设计的Nova鞋 2013年 7. 扎哈·哈迪德给United Nude设计的Nova鞋 2013年
8. 朱利安·哈克斯设计的“莫吉托” 2009年 8. 朱利安·哈克斯设计的“莫吉托” 2009年
9. 埃特兰塔·维勒设计的苏格兰靴 2010年 9. 埃特兰塔·维勒设计的苏格兰靴 2010年
10. 菲拉格慕的彩虹坡跟鞋 1938年 10. 菲拉格慕的彩虹坡跟鞋 1938年
11. 拍击鞋 17世纪 11. 拍击鞋 17世纪
12. 软木高脚鞋 19世纪 12. 软木高脚鞋 19世纪
13. 安德莉亚•查维斯设计的裸装隐形鞋 2011年 13. 安德莉亚•查维斯设计的裸装隐形鞋 2011年
14. Chau Har Lee设计的拼装鞋 2011年 14. Chau Har Lee设计的拼装鞋 2011年
15. 婚礼钉子鞋 19世纪 15. 婚礼钉子鞋 19世纪

  1. Chopines, C15th – C17th1. 欧洲厚底鞋 15-17世纪

  Upper-class European women were transformed into towering figures with these pedestal-like platforms from late fifteenth century to the seventeenth century. So high were styles worn by Venetian women. Height was the most important thing about Chopines, in fact, they wouldn’t even be seen when worn. But, the higher they were, the more cloth was needed for the wearer’s skirt to reach the ground, acting as a status symbol.15世纪到17世纪,欧洲贵妇会穿一种超厚底的鞋子增高。这样的高度是威尼斯女人的时尚。厚底鞋的精髓就是高度,不过在穿的时候是完全被裙子遮住的。鞋底越高,裙子要着地就需要更多的布料,这也是社会地位的象征。

  2. Long-toed shoes, C19th2. 长趾鞋 19世纪

  Long-toes have been ever present in male footwear design throughout history, and in the nineteenth century toes-for-days were particularly prolific. The fact that this particular style is completely impractical goes to show that they could only be worn for leisure, and as such were a serious status symbol。有史以来,长趾鞋一直都有出现在男鞋的设计中。在19世纪,这种像长着一个长脚指头的新潮鞋子特别普遍。这种设计完全不实用,只能在休闲的时候穿,所以这是一个重要的社会地位的象征。

  3. Noritaka Tatehana’s Crystal Lady Pointe, 20113. Noritaka Tatehana(舘鼻則孝)设计的水晶女士芭蕾踮脚鞋 2011年

  Lady Gaga and Daphne Guinness are among fans of the gravity-defying, creations by Japanese shoe designer, Noritaka Tatehana, and remember those black heel-less boots that Victoria Beckham caused controversy in a few years ago? Those were his too。日本设计师Noritaka Tatehana(舘鼻則孝)设计过很多抵抗地心引力的鞋子,Lady Gaga和达芙妮·吉尼斯都是他的粉丝。还记得几年前维多利亚·贝克汉姆的那双引发争议的黑色平底靴吗?那也是他的作品。

  These crystal encrusted

  “Lady Pointe” shoes are some of his most extreme, lifting the wearer a vertiginous 45cm (18 inches) above the ground. Jury’s out on whether anyone can actually walk in them. 镶满水晶的女士芭蕾踮脚鞋是他最极端的作品之一,能让穿上它的人增高45厘米。也不知道有没有人真能穿着它走路。

  4. Vivienne Westwood, 19934. 维维安·韦斯特伍德的鞋 1993年

  The infamous mock-croc platforms that Naomi Campbell fell off during a Vivienne Westwood show in 1993. Obv she styled it out, as only Naomi can, and even wore them out for a night on the town with Kate Moss later。这双鳄鱼皮厚底高跟鞋因令娜奥米·坎贝尔在1993年的维维安·韦斯特伍德时装秀上摔倒而闻名。娜奥米就是娜奥米,她对此毫不在意,后来还穿着这双鞋子和凯特·摩丝在城里玩了一晚上。

  5. Manchu women’s “Matidi’ shoes, C19th5. 满族女性花盆底鞋 19世纪

  Much like the European Chopines, Manchu shoes featured a pedestal on which women in China could reach considerable height. As well as the centralised platform, Manchus are characterised by their embroidered silk and cotton designs。满族女性花盆底鞋酷似欧洲厚底鞋,能让中国女人看起来更高。与欧洲厚底鞋不同的是,花盆底鞋的厚鞋底位于中间,丝绵的鞋面有绣花图案。

  6. Master John boots, 1970s6. Master John靴子 20世纪70年代

  Heels stopped being a big deal for men during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, until the 1970s, when they experienced a particularly flamboyant renaissance, and they’ve not seen such popularity since。男人穿高跟鞋在19和20世纪已经不再流行了。直到20世纪70年代来了个华丽大复兴,男性高跟鞋开始空前地流行。

  7. Nova, Zaha Hadid for United Nude, 20137. 扎哈·哈迪德给United Nude设计的Nova鞋 2013年

  Architect Zaha Hadid’s avant garde take on shoe design is unsurprisingly even more complex than it initially seems. This clever structure is made of an outer shell of rubber with a separate slipper constructed within。建筑师扎哈·哈迪德设计的前卫鞋子绝对比你对它第一印象更复杂,它外部是一层橡胶外壳,内部包着一双拖鞋。

  8. Julian Hakes, Mojito, 20098. 朱利安·哈克斯设计的“莫吉托” 2009年

  This cartoonish shoe is made from one lime-like, single piece of carbon fibre, hence the name, “Mojito”. Architect Julian Hakes used 3D printing to create his innovative shoe and perhaps offers a glimpse of the kind of design we might see more of in the future。这双卡通式的鞋子是由一块黄绿色的碳纤维做成的,所以名叫“莫吉托”(一种黄绿色的鸡尾酒)。建筑师朱利安·哈克斯用3D打印技术制作了这双创意鞋子,从中我们或许可以瞥见未来更多类似的设计风格。

  9. Atalanta Weller ‘Scotty’ boots, 20109. 埃特兰塔·维勒设计的苏格兰靴 2010年

  You probably wouldn’t want to go running a marathon in these futuristic

  boots, but they’re actually made using blown polyurethane, a material usually associated with sports shoes. Using this material meant that a more unusual heel could be created while still allowing the wearer, comfy, bouncy support。你大概不会想穿着这双未来风的靴子跑马拉松,尽管它是用膨化聚酯纤维制成的。这种材料通常用来做运动鞋,或许还能用来设计穿着舒适、适合剧烈运动的特殊高跟鞋。

  10. Ferragamo rainbow wedge, 193810. 菲拉格慕的彩虹坡跟鞋 1938年

  You might associate the modern wedge with the 1970s, but shoe-king Ferragamo gave the high platform a twentieth century makeover as early as the late 1930s when he invented a special kind of cork wedge。看到这款现代的楔形鞋,你可能会想到20世纪70年代的鞋子,但是鞋子大王菲拉格慕把这种软木坡跟凉鞋设计成了上世纪30年代的样式。

  11. Slap-sole shoes, C17th11. 拍击鞋 17世纪

  Heels would sink into the dirt of the unpaved roads and footpaths of yore, so for a few decades during the seventeenth century, a handy flat panel was added to prevent this happening. The “slap” noise that the shoe made as a result let you know that its wearer was approaching, as well as coining the name, “slap shoe”。在过去,高跟鞋鞋跟容易陷进没有铺过的泥路里,因此在17世纪,有一段时间人们会在鞋底装上一块轻便的平面板来避免这种情况。这样鞋子会发出啪啪的声音,你能知道有人正在走过来,所以它就被称为“拍击鞋”了。

  12. Qabâqib, C19th12. 软木高脚鞋 19世纪

  These vertiginous

  clogs were worn by women to walk around naked in the Hamman, a kind of Egyptian bath-house. They do say “let your shoes do the talking”. The height on these actually originated with the practical purpose of raising the wearer above the hot floor, but of course, like other platform shoes before them, the higher you could handle, the higher your status was seen to be。这双高得让人目眩的木鞋是给女人在名叫“哈曼”的埃及浴室里不穿衣服走路时穿的。她们说“让鞋子来说话”。鞋子做得这么高一开始是为了实用,可以把人和发烫的地面隔开。当然,跟之前的其它厚底鞋一样,你穿得越高,你的地位就显得越高。

  13. ‘Invisible Nakedversion’ shoes by Andreia Chaves, 201113. 安德莉亚•查维斯设计的裸装隐形鞋 2011年

  Another example of 3D printing creating an innovative shoe, adding an architectural skeleton to a traditional leather slipper。这又是一款3D打印创作的创意鞋子,在传统的鞋体上加上了建筑物般的骨架。

  14. Chau Har Lee’s flat pack shoes, 201114. Chau Har Lee设计的拼装鞋 2011年

  Perhaps not what you’re used to seeing in Ikea, but these shoes actually come flat packed. Made from six clear acrylic pieces, they slot together without even any need for glue. How novel!这不是你在宜家看到的家具,不过这双鞋子确实是拼装的,由6块透明亚克力组装在一起,无需任何胶水。太新奇了!

  15. Wedding Paduka, C19th15. 婚礼钉子鞋 19世纪

  Often made from silver, gold and embellished wood, these footprint shaped shoes would form part of an Indian bride’s wedding trousseau。这种鞋子通常由金银制成并配以木头装饰,形状像脚印,是印度新娘嫁妆的一部分。

  You wouldn’t want to run for the bus in them, though, would you?你不会想穿着这样的鞋子去赶公交的对吧?


文章关键词: 双语奇葩鞋子

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