
2015年07月23日15:56  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Some zoologists think that the giraffe's pattern is for camouflage. Many people have reported mistaking a giraffe for an old dead tree. When the tree walked away, they realized that it was a giraffe。一些动物学家认为长颈鹿身上的花纹是用来伪装自己的。很多人都表示曽把一只长颈鹿看成一棵枯死的老树。当树自己走开了,他们才发现那是长颈鹿。

  A giraffe's feet are the size of a dinner plate—12 inches across (30.5 centimeters)。长颈鹿的脚跟西餐用的大盘子差不多大——直径12英寸(30.5厘米)。

  Giraffes have the same number of vertebrae in their necks as we do—seven。长颈鹿的脊椎骨数量跟我们的一样——都是7块。

  A giraffe's tongue is 18 to 20 inches (46 to 50 centimeters) long and blue-black. The color may keep the tongue from getting sunburned。长颈鹿的舌头有18到20英寸长(46到50厘米),颜色是蓝黑色。那样的颜色或许可以保护舌头不被晒伤。

  Giraffes can moo, hiss, roar, and whistle。长颈鹿可以像牛那样哞哞叫,也可以发出蛇那样的嘶嘶声,会咆哮,也会吹口哨。

  The record running speed of a giraffe is 34.7 miles per hour (56 kilometers per hour)。长颈鹿的奔跑速度最快纪录是每小时34.7英里(每小时56千米)。

  The giraffes at the San Diego Zoo enjoy raw onions as a treat。圣迭戈动物园的长颈鹿很喜欢吃生洋葱。

  Male giraffes are preyed upon more often than the smaller females; they generally spend more time alone, so lions can sneak up on them。比起体型较小的雌性长颈鹿,雄性长颈鹿更常被捕食。它们通常会花更多时间独处,所以狮子得以悄悄地接近它们。

  The world’s largest pollinators? Pollen from a tree’s flowers can attach to the giraffe’s nose while it’s nibbling there; when the animal moves on, the pollen is rubbed off onto the next tree used for a snack。世界上最大的授粉者?长颈鹿吃树叶的时候,树上的花的花粉就会落到长颈鹿的鼻子上。当长颈鹿到下一颗树来点加餐时,花粉就会被蹭到上面。

  Giraffe females can conceive while still feeding their young infant。雌性长颈鹿在哺育小长颈鹿的时候也会怀孕。

  Giraffe calves grow 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) each day during their first week。在出生后的第一个星期里,长颈鹿的腿肚子每天会长1英寸(2.54厘米)。

  A giraffe’s eyes are the size of golf balls。长颈鹿眼睛大小跟高尔夫球差不多。


文章关键词: 双语长颈鹿舌头

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